Thursday, March 3, 2011

6 Month Shots and Stats

The one thing I don't like about the new pediatrician I am going to now is that I have to drive to Rock Springs. Not such a big deal unless you wake up to yet another snow storm. SO ANNOYING! Not to mention poor little Heids has yet another nasty cold. She was up all night trying to breathe. I feel so badly for her. She was trying so hard to put herself to sleep and kept trying to breathe out of her mouth. She did pretty well considering how stuffed up she is. When will cold season end? I am so over it this year! In spite of not sleeping as well as she usually does, she was little miss happy pants, which made me feel even worse about making her get shots! She was all smiles and squeals while she waiting patiently for the doctor. Then the needles came out. She didn't cry as bad or for as long as I thought, but it breaks my heart every time.

Anywho, the little miss is growing nicely, though still a little tiny thing!

Height: 25 in. between 10th and 25th percentile (so about the 17th?)
Weight: 13.1 lbs. below 5th percentile

For one day this week we were able to go out walking and boy did we take advantage of it! We went to my friend's house, then we walked over to the school to pick up some stuff I needed for a class I am teaching next week. It was heaven. Can't it please just get warm so I can get this cute girl out of the house?


Rachel said...

Mark and I love these pictures of our sweet little niece Heidi. I can't wait until we can come see you guys and see her again in person!

McMurtrey said...

Her hair is looking so much lighter than it used to. She may end up a blondy after all.