Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Cat's Out of the Bag!

First things first--vote on my poll! I have always wanted to do a poll and I am excited to have a reason to have one.

So now all my kids know my exciting news...long story. Anyway, ever since they found out two days ago, my life has gotten just that much funnier. Seriously. I didn't think the kids would react the way they have.

Apparently a good story spreads like mad no matter what age you are. It all started when one little girl found out. Then she told someone and that was the end of it. All I heard for the last 15 minutes of school was whispers, "It's true. Ask her." Then of course two seconds later a student would approach me and say, "Are you going to have a baby?" Once they found out it was no rumor they would immediately get a huge grin on their face and run to tell someone else. It was pure comedy.

My favorite was as they were lining up to go home. One little girl started rubbing my stomach and talking to the baby in a very baby voice. I almost peed my pants listening to her conversation. It went something like this:

"Hello baby! Hello! Oh you are going to be a lucky baby, yes you are. I can't wait to see you! You are going to be so cute, just like your mommy!"--This last comment is why I love elementary school...they always think their teacher is the best one, love it.

Yesterday I had a HORRIBLE migraine and had to come home because I could not stop throwing up. Anyway, the kids could clearly tell I wasn't feeling well since I kept running to the bathroom. I told them I had to go home and it was so funny because they all gave me this knowing look and one of the kids goes, "It's okay Mrs. Hunziker, we understand." They are all experts on the whole pregnancy/baby thing by the way. Too funny.

Then today at the end of math I was standing in front of a little girl's desk and she goes:

"Mrs. Hunziker, I can definitely tell your stomach is getting bigger."

Now I know my stomach is growing, but I think she was just mostly saying it since she knew my "secret" because she then reached out to feel my stomach and informed everyone, "I just felt the baby kick!"

The best part was that as I was feeling self-conscious, one of my boys (who is now clearly my favorite student) says, "What? Mrs. Hunziker looks pretty skinny to me." His grades are definitely on the rise.

On the way out today all the kids gave me their hug for the day and the majority decided they needed to rub my stomach and say goodbye to the baby. It was just too funny. I love my class this year. They have so much personality and I love that they feel like they are part of this whole baby thing.


Dana said...

That is so cute! I've never met your kids, but already I love your class! They sound hilarious!

Fleck Family said...

I agree with the little girl talking to your baby. Your little one is already very lucky.
Thank you so much for sharing! Those were the cutest stories I have heard in a very long time.

The Peterson's said...

LOVE IT! It is so exciting!!! You are going to really be the best mom!

Kari said...

I'm voting "boy" because that's what I have, and it seems like everyone is having boys these days.:) I love the stories from your class...too cute!