Thursday, October 9, 2014


It's been awhile since I have posted so I thought I would do another iphone photo dump to show a few things we have been up to.  One day Savanna found the childproof safety things that go in the electric outlets.  Since I refused to let her have a binky, she decided they might work instead.  It gave me and Heidi a pretty good laugh.  Especially since she started making the little "mmmm mmmm mmmm" noise she makes when she puts a real binky in.  Oh Savanna.  She really is a little ham.
It's my turn for preschool this month and I have been loving it!!  I like it so much better when it's at our house so I get to teach and so I don't have to say goodbye to Heidi.  We have had so much fun this year and it is much more enjoyable now that they are a year older.  Such a fun little group of girls and I am glad we didn't keep Heidi out of it.  She loves Tuesday and Wednesday.
Heidi also loves Monday because dance started!!  She couldn't take a nap because she was way too excited so she hung out with me and practiced taking videos and photos on my phone.  We both had a lot of fun, and a lot of laughs.  Love this big girl of mine.  From the time she woke up she said, "Is it 3:30 yet?"  She LOVES, LOVES, LOVES dance!!
These two love each other so much.  They don't get along perfectly all of the time, but they are both lost without each other.  I caught Heidi convincing Savanna to sit on her lap so she could read to her.  So cute.
Heidi was being such a big helper with Caimbree while I was on the treadmill.  She is a fantastic big sister.
Savanna is growing up so fast!  Just in the last 3 months she seems so much older.  She keeps us laughing every day.
Caimbree is getting a little bigger and stronger every day.  Her cheeks are so chubby and we love to kiss them.  Sadly her good sleeping has disappeared for the last week.  This was about the time Heidi randomly stopped sleeping through the night.  She usually wakes up once but has a hard time falling back asleep, which makes her overtired and cranky during the day.  I am sure that once she can get her binky herself she will probably start sleeping again just like Heidi and Savanna did, but if not, we will love her anyway.  This too shall pass and one day we will wake up wondering where our little baby went.
Savanna frequently nurses her babies...from her belly button.  It makes me laugh every time she does it.

Not much else really going on around here other than enjoying the nice weather we have been having and enjoying fall.  Everyone at our house is pretty excited about pumpkins and Halloween right now!  We love October!

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