Saturday, November 9, 2013

our little one year old

 A week later I am still in shock we have a one year old!
We had her one year shots and check up last week.

Length:  27 inches--below 5th percentile
Weight:  15 lbs. 12 oz.--below 5th percentile

Still our tiny, little petite girl!  
Most people ask if she is 7 or 8 months and always seem shocked when they see her walking around.

We love having little girls that are full of personality!
 *Savanna is walking everywhere!!  She loves to walk around and lately her favorite place to walk is in circles around the island.
*Has 4 teeth (2 on top, 2 on bottom) and has 2 more top ones that just barely broke through.
*Sleeps from about 8pm-6:30am.  Takes about an hour nap at 9am and a 2-2.5 hr nap at 1pm.
*Made the transition to bottles to whole milk easily.
*Loves to eat, but definitely prefers to eat what we are eating.
*Has a major, major sweet tooth and can spot treats a mile away.
*Climbs up the stairs and is learning to go down, but can't quite go down on her own yet.
*Laughs every time she sneezes.
*When she is sitting, she loves to randomly throw herself back onto the floor and start kicking her legs.
 *Still just a happy little ray of sunshine.  She tries to do things that will make us laugh and then when she catches our eye she will tip her head back and get a huge grin.
*Loves to wave.
*Loves to growl.
*Says mama, dada, more (mo mo mo), bob (we think this is just a sound she makes but Heidi always says, "Who's Bob, Savanna?  Is he your secret friend?)
*Loves animals and squeals and points like crazy when she sees them.  When we ask her where the cows are she looks out the kitchen windows at the cow pasture.
*We still aren't sure if her hair will be brown, but I haven't given up hope.
*Her eyes are still really blue.
*Not one person has ever told me that she looks like me, and she doesn't.  She is the spitting image of her daddy.
 *Although she prefers me if she is tired or hungry, she is absolutely nothing like Heidi was in terms of clinginess.  She adores Jeff and really other people in general.  She is super social.
*Such a good natured little thing.  Even with a bad ear infection, you would never know.
*My favorite thing is to get her out of her bed because she is always so happy.  She kicks her legs and squeals and tries to hide her binky in her little hands.
 *Savanna is the biggest tease.  She loves to try to hide behind doors, climbs the stairs like crazy while squealing and laughing if she thinks you're coming to get her, grabs our noses, ears, eyes, hair, etc. and laughs like crazy.
*Really starting to enjoy books.  She will bring me books and then put her little body in my lap.  She loves when I point out bumblebees and pretend there is one buzzing around to get her.  When she sees a picture of a bumblebee she starts giggling.
 *The only time we really hear her fuss, besides if she is tired, is if anyone is eating.  She is just sure she is being left out and has to have to whatever you have.
*Loves to put things inside of bottles, boxes, etc.
*Very independent and usually likes to play by herself, but she prefers if someone is in the room with her.
*If she is holding something she doesn't want anymore, she will grab our hand and stick the item in.

Savanna is so easy to love.
She makes us laugh and smile every day.
We seriously cannot imagine life without our little sunshine.
We are so lucky to have her in our family!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Walking! :) she is so so so cute! I love these pics!