Friday, September 14, 2012

Is daddy home now?

I don't mean to complain because I am fully aware that there are millions of people who have it much worse than I do, but this week has been so frustrating.  Jeff has seen Heidi for a grand total of 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds in the last five days.  It seriously breaks my heart every time she stands at the window saying, "Is daddy home now?"  Jeff's new job was supposed to bring him home around 5 pm with an occasional later stay and always an earlier morning.  This week it has brought him leaving at 5am and coming home around 10-11pm for the last five days.  And if you're wondering, no, there is no such thing as "overtime" when you are on salary.  I can't imagine what it feels like for him not to see Heidi for that long.  I can't imagine not seeing her for even one day.  Yes, it has been hard on me, but it is much, much harder for me to see how hard it is on him and Heidi.  She misses him terribly and what's worse is that I know when she does actually get to see him--which had better be tomorrow or I will quit his job for him--she will probably be so clingy to me because that's what she does when she is with just me for too long.  I really am not complaining for my sake--I am definitely the lucky one.  I get to see all the funny things Heidi is doing and I get all the hugs, snuggles, and kisses I want.  I got to be there when she went down the "big, huge slide all by self at the shady park" for the first time.  Don't get me wrong, I am seriously so grateful for his job and I know he loves it and the people he works with.  I also know that this shouldn't happen every single week...I just don't know how to not feel my heart breaking when Heidi is begging for her dad's red truck to pull in.  Not to mention all the other things that need to be taken care of like that huge pile of wood he has yet to finish splitting.  Or the stucco on the house that has been up for two days now and he hasn't seen it to see if he likes it.  Or the millions of questions the builder needs answers to that I can't give.  Oh did I mention that I have absolutely ZERO communication with him while he is at work?  No phone and he hasn't had time to even check his work email for the last week.  I am so glad I married such a hard working man, I just wish we got to see more of him because we really miss him around here.


Natalie Kay said...

That is seriously so sad!! I'm really am so sorry for YOU! It's hard on them for sure, but don't feel guilty saying it's hard on you. :)

Davy is gone a lot too! We have opposite schedules and really only see each other for 15-30 minutes a day! The kids get him all morning, so I really shouldn't complain either. It just stinks feeling like a single parent and missing him all the time.

Hang in there!! So glad that this schedule for him is only temporary!

Megan C. said...

That stinks. Poor both of you! Or poor all three of you! I can relate. Hopefully he gets all if the work out of the way and will be free to help when the baby comes more!