Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

 Heidi woke up screaming bloody murder at 3:15 am on Christmas morning.  Although I would like to think she was just so excited for Christmas, we discovered she was getting some more teeth...ugh.  Can we please be done already??  Needless to say, she was not the happiest Christmas girl, but we had a lot of fun nonetheless!

Her Grandma and Grandpa Hunziker gave her a princess chair and she could not be more thrilled.  She now sits in the chair most of the day while pointing at what toy she wants me to bring her next.  It's hilarious!
 Heidi opened her chair first and then sat in her chair to open the rest.  It was so fun this year because she was more aware of what was happening.

She kept tearing a little piece, taking the paper to the trash, and then returning to her chair to open a little more.  It took quite awhile.  We opened two presents before we attempted the hour long church service.
 We thought she could make it an hour, but she really was not having a great day.  I had to take her out and then Jeff took her out again and then we finally just left before the closing hymn.
 We gave Heidi the Little People farm, a train, a leap frog discovery house and a couple of books.  She was thrilled to have a few new toys to play with and I thought it was just perfect...not too much, not too little.

We had a wonderful Christmas dinner with Jeff's cousin and his family.  After some Advil Heidi took a decent afternoon nap and by the time we got to his cousin's house Heidi was happy as a clam and had a blast with their kids.

We had a great Christmas and can't wait to celebrate again next year!

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