Thursday, November 10, 2011

Time for a Post

In spite of molars, daylight savings time, and very little sleep, we are still managing to get a few cheesers out of this little munchkin.  For some reason everything hit at the same time in our house...Heidi decided she wanted to start taking only one nap, the clocks changed, and her top molars decided to give her grief.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of all those lucky moms and dads out there who have kids that just pop teeth without any symptoms.  Some of Heidi's teeth weren't too bad, but her top two and her molars have been almost unbearable. 

Heidi has recently re-discovered her bumbo seat, but now it is much more of a play toy.  She loves to climb in and out, but this picture is by far my favorite.  She wanted to give "Dare Dare" loves, but she just couldn't bring herself to get out of her new favorite seat.

No matter how tired we are around here, I keep reminding myself that this won't last forever and that one day I will be wishing I still had her tiny little body toddling around needing me to comfort her.  Of course we are hoping these blasted molars will make their big debut soon, but in the meantime I guess we'll just take the extra cuddles and consider ourselves blessed to have a healthy little girl who never seems to run out of cheesers for her mom and dad!

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