Thursday, January 6, 2011


Is it possible for a 4.5 month old to have a favorite animal? This girl seems to love giraffes. She has one that someone gave her and she always holds it and sucks its ears. Then my friend gave her this one for Christmas and she is in heaven. This one even sings the ABCs. As soon as she sees it, she starts squealing. It is so funny.

Heidi has definitely found her "outside voice" the last few days. It is the funniest thing in the world. She squeals at the top of her is the highest, most ear piercing sound I have ever heard-- and I thought her other squeals were loud! It is quite funny, but not so easy to have a conversation around!

I took my little monkey in to a different doctor today to see if we could figure anything out about her congestion and teary eye. Much better experience. We have tried everything for 2 months--saline drops, humidifier, vicks baby rub, elevation of the mattress, etc. This doctor is putting her on an antibiotic so we are hoping that will work. He mentioned that sometimes reflux shows itself this way (this kind of congestion) around this time. Isn't that bizarre? He suggested putting her on an acid reflux medicine if the antibiotic doesn't work, but I'm not sure I'm game for that one. If she is still really bad at 6 months, he suggested going to an ear/nose/throat doctor. I don't think we will need to do any of these things. I am hopeful the antibiotic will work. Last night Heidi slept a lot better because she didn't seem as congested so I am pretty sure that is why she isn't sleeping.

The funniest thing lately in our house has been reading scriptures. We started reading while feeding her cereal in the evening. The second Jeff starts reading she starts babbling and squealing non-stop while trying to feed herself with the spoon. We usually end up with 2 or 3 spoons out and very little food being swallowed! She talks so much it all comes spilling out! It's always quite the mess and probably the funniest time in our household. We just love this little girl!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Beth, your little girl is so sweet! I always thought that after 4 months of newborn life began to get manageable again! Hopefully you guys are feeling that! We are having boy #3 in March...I am totally outnumbered!