Monday, August 2, 2010

The Petition

Before I get to this post, vote on my poll. With 3 weeks more to go I am getting more and more antsy to see what our little girl is going to look like!

As I was walking the other day I passed one of my favorite people: this little lady and her black poodle looking dog. This lady cracks me up. Seriously. She is out most of the days I am, but she doesn't actually walk her dog. She "hangs out" on the trail looking for others with dogs she can talk to. She will walk back and forth the same ten feet for I don't even know how long. Her dog is clearly her prized possession and the bling around the dog's neck clearly shows that.

Before I finish this story, you need to know I am not exactly a dog person. I'm not really an animal person period. I apologize to those of you that love pets, but I would really not be a good pet owner. Too much responsibility. I am the cranky one in the neighborhood that cannot stand to listen to other people's dogs barking. I have even made Jeff call the cops on a few obnoxious dogs that go off at all hours of the day and night. I am the one carrying pepper spray on the trail in case there is a loose dog. You get the picture.

Anywho, so as I pass this lady, we say, "good morning," as usual. She then sticks a clipboard in my face and asks me to sign a petition. I am intrigued and ask her what for. She then proceeds to tell me this petition is for a dog park. That's right, a dog park. Not wanting to be rude, I sign the petition. The whole time afterwards I am just laughing to myself thinking about how ironic it is that I, of all people, would sign a petition for a dog park. Not that I really care one way or the other about having one in town--as long as it's not near my house--but the fact that my name is on the petition like I really want this, is funny to me.

The funniest part is that I told Jeff I had signed a petition. Before I could tell him what for, he says, "let me guess, for a dog park?" Apparently he signed the same one at work. Why is this funny? He shares my sentiments about dogs. Like me, he didn't want to be rude, so he signed away. I guess we'll just have to get a dog now so we can go to the dog park we desperately wanted.


The Peterson's said...

You sound like me! I am not an animal lover like most. But growing up in GR we were surrounded by dogs. That is a really cute story! Love it!

Fleck Family said...

Look at it this way....if there is a dog park then you won't have to risk runnig into dogs on your walking/running path.
I love animals but completely understand people that don't appreciate animals and I would have called the cops on a neighbor that can't keep their animal quiet either. That drives me crazy

Kurt and Julie said...

Ha ha that is so funny! I am so sorry I haven't called you back! I was at a family reunion and then my life has just been so busy! I want to talk to you bad though!!! I will give you a call soon! Love ya!

McMurtrey said...

You really should get that dog so you can get your money's worth out of it since your tax money will go to pay for it. Surprised they need it with wide open Wyoming.

Melissa said...

I think most mom's are not dog lovers. I am the same way. But I have a dog. I guess I do it for the kids. Just maybe in a few years you all will have a dog so your little one can have a 4 legged friend. Love the story.