Sunday, November 16, 2008

Changing Scenery.

As the seasons have started changing, I, like eveyone else, have had to beging making lifestyle changes as well. Some of these changes are welcome, like a change in wardrobe. I always enjoy pulling sweaters out and feeling like there are new clothes to wear. However, there are also things I don't enjoy--like wearing a coat. I HATE wearing coats!!! I hate having to put a coat on to wear for 5 minutes until I get inside and then I have to find a place for it. Then I feel like I am constantly picking up and hanging up coats all day.

Anywho, another unwelcome change has been my running lifestyle. Since we moved here, I have been able run along the trail by the Green River. I love this trail!! The best part is that it starts literally next to our house. Then it goes down by the river pictured below all the way to the other side of town. Running on the trail is never boring. There are always people to see and of course animals galore. I love watching the river and wildlife. Running long distances never seems that long because there are so many interesting things to watch.

As the sun started coming up later and later, I had to switch my route. Not only did I have to start wearing gloves, a sweatshirt, and ear warmers, but it also became a little unsafe to run alone down by the river where there was no light. So, I started running up through the neighborhood to the high school and onto the track. Although running my usual distance seemed a bit longer, it wasn't so bad because I enjoyed watching the sun rise and the track felt good on my shins and knees. As the mornings have continually gotten colder and the constant threat of storms brings in more wind, Jeff and I decided we would have to find an alternative for winter running. Two weeks ago we decided to purchase a dreaded treadmill. I decided I was not going to let one more winter ruin everything I worked for all spring, summer, and fall. Once we bought the treadmill I immediately had buyer's remorse. Where are we going to put it? Where are going to keep it in the summer? We set it up and moved it around ten times before I was happy. I enjoy waking up and not having to worry about what the weather is doing outside. If it is nice, I can still go out, but if it is crummy I can still run in the quiet of my basement. Although I am very happy to have an alternative to running outside, I am having a hard time adjusting the the treadmill. 5-6 miles on a treadmill feels like torture!!! I try to play mind games with myself not to look at the timer or miles for a certain amount of time, but I always end up peeking and feeling frustrated that it hasn't been longer. Running outside definitely uses different muscles so I am trying to make it a goal to go out at least 2 times/week even when the worst of winter comes. The treadmill will mostly help keep my lungs strong, but in the meantime I am counting down the days until I can go back to river trail!


McMurtrey said...

Congrats on the tread mill purchase. I really need to get one! Sorry about the scenery though! That sucks, but just think how nice it will be to go back outside after winter.

Lindsey said...

You are one dedicated woman. I hate running just to run, so I am extremely impressed with your dedication.

P.S. Ah, the memories your story of the coats brought to mind. I think I spent about 3/4 of the school year tripping over students' coats. :)

Scott & Christie Lamb said...

UGH!! I agree with the torture of running on a treadmill. So, I usually find myself looking for someone at the gym to challenge me. If you run next to a guy they always will compete and then you feel like you can't stop or slow down until they do. THen, before you know it, five miles is up!! It's great! haha I sure miss your guts!!

karen louise said...

I think my favorite thing is to run on a treadmill while watching a is great. I wish I was more of a runner like you! I'm starting tomorrow!

Carrie and Jeff said...

I wish I had the motivation you do. You're awesome.

Heidi said...

I have been trying to decide what to do as well, having a baby really makes it harder to find a good chunk of time to work out. I have gone the aerobic video, step route, it's great. I wish I had a treadmill or better yet I wish we could go for a nice walk to talk and catch up!!

Brian and Whitney said...

You are so funny! I can just hear you talking about if you should buy it and the pro and cons... I miss you and your great saving skills! I am sure it will be a great purchase in the long run!!!!! I miss you tons!!!

jonna said...

ah beth...always running your heart out...I remember when we used to look at you...I will never run...I admire you for that.

Can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!

Cheryl said...

Our treadmill is in our dining room. How cool is that? (Not cool at all, really). But when I have to use it, I watch a movie and that really helps the time pass. Good luck!

Lacey said...

I never thought I would love running but I do. I haven't been in a few weeks because LIFE took over. You've inspired me to get back at it.

Butterfields said...

Hey!!! this is Shay your old 2nt grade student i miss you so much i was so happy when i got to see you at school that day what where you doing there? any way guess what i am babysitting this dog named prince thadis of bow funny huh? he is very fun and his owner is my moms friend that lives in Wyoming(: well i miss ya a lot love, Shay lee Butterfield