Sunday, September 30, 2018

kindergarten for savanna

 Kindergarten came for this sweet girl on August 2!  She went for a day of testing with four other kids.  Then she went back the following week for a her every day kindergarten adventure.  She was ready to go and she loves it!  She has a fantastic teacher, Mrs. Beth Williams!  She has quite a few preschool friends that are also at her school and that made the transition easier.  She loves school and I love how quickly she is learning.  Her teacher is so good at doing lots of music and rhymes and that is totally Savanna's learning style.  She comes home singing songs about sight words and counting by 10's and a million other things!  We are just so grateful for all of the teachers who give their time and talents to teach our babies!  We love education and learning and we want our girls to be strong academically and we feel they are getting a great start at the school they are at and with the teachers we have been blessed to get to know and love!  Savanna is going to rock kindergarten and her teacher and classmates are so lucky to have this happy soul in their world this year!

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