This little girl is so loved! She really is a gem and we cherish every minute we get to spend with her. We keep telling her that she just cannot keep growing up. She has just been so much fun and has the absolute sweetest little personality and heart! I don't ever want to forget er at this age or how it feels to have her little arms around my neck.
*Caimbree is just peaceful. Everything about her nature is just peaceful and calm.
*She has always had the most unique ability to think about situations and reason in a very advanced way.
*She loves play dough and painting.
*Caimbree likes to carry things around in small boxes or bags and scatter them around. She has a little cupboard in her dresser and she hides all kind of treasures in it.
*Caimbree is so quiet in new situations or with new people or any time she is in a big group. She won't talk and looks terrified, but is always taking everything in. She finally spoke to her teachers at school for the first time after a month of being in school.
*She has hasn't much interest in learning letters and numbers, but I have been trying. When we bought her a new pair of sandals she got really excited and said, "I'm a size skate around the 8!" It was adorable.
*Caimbree is so unbelievably loving. She loves to snuggle and be held. If she wakes up at night, she just wants me or Jeff to lay by her and she will put her little arms around and say sweet things like, "I love you mommy. Thank you for laying with me."
*Caimbree loves to giggle and she hones in on anything funny going on and laughs her head off with the cutest full belly laughs.
*She loves her sisters so much. She adores them both equally and looks up to them and counts on them to play with her when they are home. She misses them so much when they are at school and says she wants to go to the same school as them. The cutest is when she gets home from her dance class. As soon as she walks in the door she starts saying, "SISTERS! SISTERS!!" Then she comes upstairs and gives them loves and tells them good night and shows her moves.
*She is very flexible and loves to show her moves. She is such a cute little dancer and when she hears music, she just can't control herself and starts showing her moves.
*Caimbree loves to dress up and dance around. She goes into all of the closets and tries on all of the dress up clothes and dances around. Snow White, Elsa, and Anna are her favorite costumes as well as just dance costumes.
*Caimbree has the prettiest blue eyes and she makes the funniest little faces with her eyes...she likes to raise her eye brows and roll her eyes back in her head.
*If she gets a reaction for something funny, she will do it over and over again. She can't resist a laugh.
*She loves to be outside. She is happy to just ride the
lawn mower with her daddy but she loves her bike and she loves the four wheelers.
*She has always loved her dad. So much. And he loves that she loves him. She is equally happy to have me or Jeff help her or carry her or snuggle her or comfort her if she has a nightmare. She thinks he's hilarious and loves when he is home.
*She loves school and has been excited to be like her big sisters. Even when she's scared or nervous, she just handles it like a champ and doesn't make a scene. She doesn't like when the attention is on her and seems to know if she makes a scene, the attention will be on her.
*She loves the music from The Greatest Showman and knows every word of every song.
*Caimbree is so observant. She pays attention to every detail in every situation.
*When Caimbree can't remember something, she makes things up and it is very funny. On the first day of school she couldn't remember the other kid's names so she told us they were named Trashcan, Rockstar, and Beetle.
*Caimbree loves to hear stories and I love to read to her.
*Caimbree is very sensitive. If she even thinks she will get in trouble or disappoint you, she can't stop crying.
She is calm and chill and just brings an overall feeling of peace wherever she goes. She makes all of our lives so much better! She is truly an angel and we are so, so happy she is in our family!
We love you, Caimbree Rae!!
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