*Savanna has a happy, happy little temperament. The second you look at her she just lights up the hugest grin. You can't help but smile when you look at her.
*Coos the most before her bath when she is laying on her diaper pad.
*Loves laying on her diaper pad.
*Only likes to be held facing out and isn't a huge cuddler. She prefers to hang out on the floor under her play mat, on her diaper pad, in her bouncy seat, or in her swing.
*Has laughed a few times, but I am the only one who has really heard it. We try and try to get it to happen more often.

one of my features!
*Has no trouble with nursing or taking bottles of pumped milk.
*Wears mostly 0-3 month clothes. Can fit in a few newborn things--mostly pants or sleepers.
*Most nights she sleeps from 8 to about 1 or 2. Then she sleeps again until 5 or 6 depending on how bad her reflux is bothering at that point.
*Her reflux medicine seems to help because it stops the dry cough and gagging, but it definitely doesn't last the full 12 hours it's supposed to. At her 4 month we will look into upping the dose or putting her on something else depending on what her throat and ears look like.
*Worst time of day is when I am trying to get dinner ready (naturally). I am trying to get better cutting chicken one handed.
*Absolutely loves her baths.
*Not a fan of tummy time and I need to be better about making her practice.
*Loves to watch her older sister.

*Loves pat-a-cake an loves if you move her legs.
*Blows lots and lots of bubbles.
*Likes her binky but also likes to launch it. I wish she would take a different kind because those hospital drive me nuts.
*Loves to stand.
*Usually takes a short nap in the morning, a longer afternoon nap, and usually needs a little catnap in the evening to get us to bedtime.
*Light sleeper. She has a hard time settling down if there are people around or commotion. I think it must be hereditary.
I love my sweet, happy little Savanna girl. She has brought us so much joy and I am so grateful I get to stay at home and spend so much time with her. It all goes so fast and I don't want to miss a thing!
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