We of course don't know how long Heidi is, but according to the hospital scale, she weighs a whopping 23.6 pounds. Of course she hadn't eaten in four days, so perhaps she is slightly higher than that.
*Counts from 1-10.
*Can write her name, but needs help on the D. She
writes it backwards though: IDIEH.
*When she draws, she usually writes a million H's while saying, "line,line, cross". Then she comments on each one. "Good H, Heidi!" "Wo! Look at that funny H!"
*In the last few months she has started using pronouns such as 'I', 'Me', 'You' correctly.
*Hates, hates, hates being messy. Can't stand to have anything on her hands.
*Favorite color is blue, blue, blue.

*Everything has a nickname, even colors--pinky stinky, bluey smooey, greenie meanie...you get the point.
*Has no problem with self-esteem. "I look adorable!" "Don't I look cute?"
*Loves stuffed animals and hauls them around all day. Says things like, "I just love this big guy! He is so lucky to have me!"
*Favorite things to play are party, dance party, kitchen, play dough, legos, and doctor.
*When she wants to do something she will say, "Should we play kitchen mom? Should we do that?" How can you say no?
*Great big sister most of the time. She has recently decided however that whatever toy Savanna has in her hand is definitely the toy she has been wanting to play with for the past year.
*Still lets us know how much she hates taking a bath in spite of the fact that she has taken one almost every single night for the last 2 1/2 years!
*Very cautious.
*When she falls she says, "Wo Biffins!"
*If you ask her what her name is, there is a good chance she will tell you first, middle, and last and it's quite a mouthful!
*Very sensitive. Always concerned when someone is crying. If she sees mom cry she automatically breaks out in tears.
*Has the cutest little dance moves you've ever seen.
*Comments on what she is doing all the time. "Look at me running so fast in my cute brown boots! I have brown boots just like dad!"
*When you ask her why she is doing something, the response is generally, "'cause I'm cute". For example, "Why are you throwing your play dough on the floor?" "'Cause I'm cute." Like I said, no problem with self-esteem.
*Has an unbelievable memory, especially with names. If I ever forget someone's name, I just ask her--seriously.
*Girly girl. Loves her nails painted and getting dressed up. She tolerates her hair being done, but can't stand braids for some reason. If I try to braid it, she pulls it out.
*A little OCD about things being in the right place. She especially cannot stand to see a door open. "WHAT IS THAT PANTRY DOING OPEN???" She will stop whatever she is doing to race and close any door that is left open.
*Anything new or different is always scary or traumatic.
*Prefers mom to do all the basics--bath, teeth, feeding, diapers, etc. Prefers to play with dad.
*Reminds me all day that she is dad's cutie and mom's girl.
*Always tells Jeff, "I have brown eyes just like you 'cause I'm your little cutie."
*We have yet to find a book she doesn't find cute, darling, or precious. She will disappear in her room and sit and read books forever! Then she will come downstairs and say, "I was reading so cute!" Again, no problem with self-esteem.
*Great imagination
We absolutely love her funny little personality and feel so lucky
to have little Heidi Bug in our home!
1 comment:
Oh my gosh!! Your little family is growing up so fast. And they are so cute!
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