I still cannot believe that this beauty is five years old! I am overcome with gratitude that this happy soul is in our family.
*Savanna wakes up with a huge grin on her face almost every morning. She is genuinely happy to see everyone and often has a funny dream or thought she wants to share.
*She has the most contagious laugh and we hear that laugh a lot.
*Savanna is my most helpful child. She will help without question most of the time and is always the one getting whatever her sisters ask he for.
*She is very concerned about rules and about others following the rules.
*Savanna tends to be uncomfortable in big crowds, adults, and around new faces. It is hard to get her to answer or speak in public situations and if I am there, she
will cling to me and hide behind me.
*Savanna will share anything and everything. She will give the last of anything she has to anyone if she knows it will make them happy.
*Savanna is shy, but she gets attached to people very easily. When they have to leave, she gets really sad. She loves to show her love by giving great big hugs.
*When it gets humid we still see some pretty little curls around her face.
*She still has blue eyes, but we think they will turn green in the future.
*Savanna has a lot of energy and is very athletic. She has incredible endurance. She enjoyed soccer and she really loves dance.
*She is left handed for writing, but it seems like she might use her right for everything else.
*Loves to play games. She especially loves the match game, Zingo, and Froggy Boogie.
*Often mixes up words and phrases and it's usually a funny switch. The other day she was asking to watch "Ponk-a-hotus". We figured out she was talking about Pocahontas.
*Savanna absolutely loves to tease. If I ask her to go get something, she will always tell me she can't find it with a huge grin on her face and twinkle in her eye.
*Savanna is my least picky when it comes to what to wear, how she wants her hair done, and what to eat.
*She loves the color pink and yellow is her second favorite color.
*Savanna gets so excited over the smallest things. When she gets excited her whole face lights up.
*Savanna doesn't let anything bother her for too long and it is one of the qualities I admire about her the most. She is kind and loving with a big, giant heart of gold!
We love you, Savanna!!
You are truly one in a million and we are oh so happy
you were born and that you freely share your love and joyful spirit with our family!
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