Tuesday was not the greatest day for little Caimbree. After she and Savanna woke up from their naps, they noticed the newspaper was at the bottom of our asphalt driveway. For whatever reason, the girls think getting the newspaper is the absolute coolest activity. I was in the middle of sweeping the floor and Savanna got excited and said she was going to go get the paper. Caimbree shouted, "Caim-ee come too!" and barreled out after her sister. The temperature was maybe 80. Maybe. It had been overcast most of the day. Shortly after they slammed the door, I heard Caimbree screaming a horrific scream. I went over to the door to let her in and assumed she was screaming because Savanna was carrying the paper and she wanted it. I gave her the paper but she kept screaming. I kept asking her what was wrong and and I finally realized she was saying, "hot, hot". It hit me and I picked her up and looked at the bottom of her feet. They were blistered and looked awful. I ran her into the kitchen and put her feet in cold water. She would not stop screaming. I asked Savanna if the driveway was really hot and what happened and she said, "Yeah, it was hot but I runned really fast." The only thing I can figure is that when Caimbree realized it was hot, she panicked and stood in one place. Plus she probably still has more baby like skin. I felt sick. I didn't know if I should take her in or what to do. It was the most horrendous scream. I called the pediatrician but no one could get the call. I knew they were closing within half an hour. Just then the doorbell rang and it was my neighbor. She came to ask if I could get a package while they were out of town, but when she saw the state I was in she asked what was wrong and if there was anything she could do. I decided to just load the girls up and take her to urgent care unless I could get in touch with the pediatrician on my way. My neighbor offered to come to help me with the girls in the office. What a blessing!! Luckily I got in touch with the pediatrician and she told me to just come right then. So we did. Having my neighbor there was so helpful. I love people in the south. Seriously. The doctor told me they were superficial burns which is why it hurt so bad and that she would be okay.

She put Silvadene cream on them and wrapped them. Caimbree did not stop screaming...so at this point she had been screaming non stop for an hour. She must have been in so much pain. Our doctor is the best. I mean, the best. I am so grateful to have a good pediatrician. She scooped me up a bunch of cream and sent me home with a heap of gauze and wraps and vaseline pads and told me what to do and what would most likely happen in the days to come. She also tried to make me feel better about the horrible, awful guilt I was feeling. Heidi and Savanna thought Caimbree's "yellow shoes" were so cute. Caimbree continued to scream non-stop for another two hours before she finally calmed down a little. I thought she was going to be up all night but I think the crying wore her out because she was only up once. The next day she put a little weight on her "yellow shoes" and Heidi enjoyed trying to be her caretaker and hauled her around the house. This last week we have let her have binky far more than we have been letting her to try to soothe her. As the blisters are popping and the skin is peeling she goes through spurts of more pain and times where she feels a little better. She is now walking with shoes and we wrap the worst foot at night because it hurts her pretty badly by the end of the day. She has almost completely lost her voice from screaming so much. It is absolutely heartbreaking. She has also been sleeping absolutely horribly since the first night. I am not sure if it's because of her feet, or the awful diaper rash she has, or the two year molars I think are starting to drop, or just because she has gone from my best sleeper to my absolute worst sleeper for who knows what reason. I think we are definitely going to go up from here on out and I am looking forward to her feeling less pain. I have tortured myself with the guilt of not thinking about her shoes, about not stopping my sweeping to go with them to get the paper so I could have picked her up, so.much.guilt. Jeff gave her a blessing the night it happened and I have been praying my heart out for my sweet baby to heal quickly and for the pain lessen. It is definitely a day I would like to re-do and never re-live again.
1 comment:
Poor little girl! My heart hurts for her! Feet are such a sensitive area of the body, and she's still young enough that she only partially understands. I totally get the "mama guilt," but unfortunately things happen. I wouldn't have thought twice about letting my girls run out either, especially with weather that cool. I hope she gets better quickly.
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