Monday, May 27, 2013

my little ray of sunshine

 Is it normal for babies to be as happy and content as Savanna?  I wonder that every, single day.  I have yet to meet someone that doesn't comment on what an unbelievably happy little baby we have.  She is so social and flashes her giant smile to anyone and everyone she meets.  My favorite is the little crinkle nose she gets when she shows you one of her huge cheesers.  It feels so stress free to take her anywhere because she is so content and easy going.

Savanna is so happy when she wakes up.  She will just talk to herself and play happily with her binkys while she waits for someone to come get matter what time of day or night.  As soon as she hears the door she starts flailing her arms and legs like crazy and giggling.  I get so excited to get her because it is seriously the cutest, most rewarding thing ever.  Heidi and I usually race in as soon we hear her because Heidi loves it too.  She jumps in the crib to greet her happy little sister.  No matter where we are, the second Savanna sees Heidi she just beams and starts laughing.

The only day that she is even slightly grumpy is Sunday.  This of course is because church starts when she usually takes her morning nap.  She does not like to be held or rocked to sleep.  She only likes her bed.  So she generally sleeps about 10 minutes and then is overtired the rest of the day.  She still isn't miserable, she just needs to be held more than usual.  She cracks me up because when she gets tired I go to her room and get her blanket and she just starts giggling...I guess because she is thrilled I know what she wants?  I hope this is her personality and that she will stay this happy forever because she seriously brings so much happiness to all of us.  It is impossible to be sad when she is around.  Since she is such a joyful baby, does that mean I am in for it during the toddler years? Perhaps, but for now we will just enjoy all the sunshine she brings.  We love you, happy girl!

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