Thursday, September 15, 2011

Not My Proudest Moment

You see how Heidi is talking on her phone while operating her vehical? Apparently she learned that from her mama. Yes, it's true-- I have been known to talk on my phone from time to time while driving. I never, ever text, but sometimes the best time to make a quick call is when I am running errands.

Yesterday I was on my way to my early morning faculty meeting. It was one of those mornings...I got in the car without my lunch, ran back to grab it only to realize I also forgot my phone that Heidi had thrown behind the bed. I had forgotten it the day before and Jeff wouldn't answer from an "unknown" number so I thought I better grab it. So I crawl under the bed and grab it to find I have a missed call from my friend. I thought, "Why would she be calling me before school? Did something change with the meeting?" Since I am only there two days a week, I thought maybe I needed to know something before the meeting. I called her back as I headed the four blocks to school...running late, didn't walk as usual. As I am pulling into the parking lot, I see a cop behind me with the lights on. Crap. Yep, I got a ticket for talking on the phone while driving. First ticket ever. I should have just walked because I was late for the meeting anyway since I was stuck in the parking lot and of course, every single person saw me getting my ticket when they pulled in. Like I said, not my proudest moment. Then to top it off, I found out that apparently I will be in the paper yet again. Can you believe they post all the tickets in the paper by name and what the violation was?? Oh hooray. I just love attention. I guess I better start teaching Heidi not to talk on the phone while driving her little vehical now!


Rachel said...

That is too bad you got a ticket. But that picture of Heidi is soo cute! We need to get together soon!

Natalie Kay said...

Oh my goodness! I've never heard of anyone getting a ticket for talking on the phone!! Seriously?

How funny that you have a picture of Heidi doing the exact same thing!

The Peterson's said...

That is funny! I am the same way I would ALWAYS talk when I drove back from Eagle Mountain and I have to say CA has strict laws against that. Sorry!

Lindsey said...

The Heidi story is darling and so funny!!! I love your Heidi stories, but I'm so sorry about the ticket.

Malinda Jane Sieg said...

Bummer! I like to yack behind the wheel, too. Proof that you should move back to Utah. :) Also, thanks for my nice birthday note on facebook!

Heidi said...

I wonder if that cop just watches your every move and had to get you for talking on a cell phone, cuz that is such a stretch!! He must have been super bored! I wish I was there teaching with you to be appalled and laugh with you!