I know I just posted yesterday, but Heidi has been doing the funniest thing lately and I just happened to get some pictures of her this morning so I thought I would share...mostly so I don't forget.
Have you read the book, "The Grouchy Ladybug?" Well, it's one of Heidi's favs. Mostly I think because there are all the tiny little pages to flip. Anyway, whenever it gets to the skunk, I plug my nose and say, "pee-ew". Heidi thinks her mother is so funny and repeatedly turns to the skunk page. She now comes up to me and plugs my nose so I will make the sound and then starts laughing her head off. She has also carried this over to her dad. Jeff was confused at first until I told him what to do. One of the days he was watching her this week while I was at work I came home to him asking me why I taught her that because she was doing it to him ALL day long. So if you see Heidi and she grabs your nose, you know what to do!
Boy is she ever cute in pink!...just like her mother. ;)
oh my how hilarious! She is adorable and I wish we lived closer so I could join in on the fun! haha
So funny! She is so cute. She should be a cute ladybug for Halloween and plug peoples noses as she goes around!
lol!!!!! She is so cute and so funny. And believe it or not, they get funnier. :P
Beth, your little Heidi is so adorable! She has such a little doll face!
She is so darling, how do you stand it? I can't wait to meet her someday!!
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