Anyway, when we went to get her shots today we found out she is still small...shocking.
Height: 21 1/2 in.--7th percentile
Weight: 8 lbs. 11 oz.--3rd percentile
I was sure she was at least 9 pounds, but I guess not. When I expressed my concerns to my german doctor she said in her thick accent, "Look at her. She is beautiful. In America, she seem small. In Europe, she is beautiful, healthy baby. American babies too big." Not sure that answers my question about whether or not I should be concerned that she is getting enough to eat, but she said her height and head circumference are growing normally for what she was when she was born, but her weight is just slow in coming. (I want to supplement her with a little formula at night, but Heidi now refuses to take a bottle. She just licks it.) She said it is most likely just genetics. Clearly from Jeff...she'll be grateful I suppose when she is older if she stays skinny.
What I was told to do with Cairo was let him cry for 5 min then go in and tell him that I love him (but don't pick him up) Tuck him back in and leave. This time leave for 10 min. Repeat go in tell him that I love him tuck him in and leave. Stay out for 15. And so on. This way he did not feel like I just left him and wont come back. It is just and idea. Heidi is so cute! Wish I could hold her!
What a doll!!! I'm sorry that you are having a hard time with the sleep thing. And, yes, I am a mommy that let's her babies cry themselves to sleep. I would actually set a timer for 20 minutes (when they cry, 2 minutes can feel like 20). Then I would stand outside the closed the door. Every few minutes, I would go in and give he/she a pacifier, re-wrap, or just check to make sure he/she hadn't moved into a weird position, but I would not pick them up. If they were still crying after the 20 minutes I would then pick he/she up. I have done this with both of my kids. It takes about 4 days to a week of going through this crying phase before it works, but it works! My kids go to sleep great on their own without any crying. And I only had 1 kid once actually cry the full 20 minutes. It's so hard to listen to them cry, but it really works. Hang in there and good luck!
I too let my kids cry it out. Ryan has never had a hard time, but Taylor did in the beginning. And yes you want to start this young. I ditto what the ladies have already said. But you have to let them cry. Sooth(and agree with Lindsey...don't pick up), leave. Repeat. Hopefully she will get it. You just have to bare through it! good luck!
What your experiencing is very normal. She is cute. Babies cry it is normal.
I finally let Chase cry it out in his crib at about 6 months, because he would only sleep in his swing, and he had learned to sit up. It took a solid 20 minutes of screaming (I didn't go in there at all, but I did watch the clock because it felt like much longer than it really was), and then he fell asleep. Each time the crying length was shorter, and within a few days it was non-existent. I probably should have tried it much sooner! It's hard at first, but easier on everyone in the long run.
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