Here's another funny thing about this. Last night we had a bad, bad night as soon as daddy got home. I was trying to finish dinner and Jeff was struggling. So I told him about the trick. I told him, "Put her in the swing and start running on the treadmill". Well, the screaming didn't stop. So after a few minutes I go downstairs to see what the problem is. Heidi is in the swing like I asked, but the swing is not moving. I asked him why he didn't turn the swing on and he said, "You just told me to put her in the swing and start the treadmill. It doesn't work." I didn't realize you had to actually say to turn the swing on. I couldn't stop laughing and let's face it, I needed something to laugh at by that point!
This whole discovery got me thinking. Why am I not 90 pounds by now? I mean seriously. I spend probably 90% of my day bouncing, walking, swaying, pacing, etc. and yet I still have 10 lbs. to get to pre-baby weight and 15 lbs. to get to my ideal weight. I really think I should get something out of this, don't you?
That is funny! I am glad that you have found something that works! Well I am impressed that you only have 10 pounds to go. Cairo was a year and a half before I got back to my pre- prego weight!
1st of you had nothing to lose from your pregnancy. You gained nothing! Thought you looked great on the pics from facebook.
I laughed when I read about Jeff. And even harder when I read your reaction. I could just see you laughing at funny!
Miss you, when are you coming here??
Beth!! I am so sorry, I am being brought back to my Anderson newborn days, I am so sorry!! It is hard to find what works for your baby. I'm glad the treadmill is giving you some relief!! Both my kids liked to be put in their car seat, strapped in and placed on the dryer. I'm sure it's different for each kid. Anderson got a lot of relief from the swing, but he didn't like it to move, just stationary. Christiana liked to have it movin', movin'!! Those first three months are so rough with a fussy baby!! I'm glad they grow out of it and smile A LOT from 3 months on!!
haha that is hilarious! I will have to try that out when our little girly comes! Wait....i need a treadmill. But good luck in the last 10 pounds I'm sure that you look great!
It's so funny what works for some babies! I'm still 20 pounds above my pre-baby weight. It's miserable-- but I've heard that some girls can't lose all their baby weight until they stop breastfeeding. I'm holding onto that hope because it is IMPOSSIBLE to lose!
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