Sunday, February 1, 2009

Time to Post

I know, I know, I have been a total slacker. The truth is, I really don't have much to post about. January has been more of the same old, daily grind. I have been yearning for a vacation and I miss my family like crazy! Jeff and I decided to take a vacation this summer when school is finally out and visit my brother in Kentucky. I can't wait. I have a new little nephew that I am dying to hold.

Since I don't have much to post about, I will post a few funny conversations that happened this month.

Ice Storm in Kentucky
My brother, sister in law, and three nephews are in a national state of disaster in Kentucky. They had a power line land on their driveway and were told it would be 4-6 weeks before they have power again. FEMA is currently there trying to get the area cleaned up, but my brother said it looks like a torado hit their street. Thankfully they are all well. My nephew Tommy (5) and my other nephew Jack (3) were overheard having this conversation:

Jack: Tommy we don't have electricty.
Tommy: I know.
Jack: Maybe we can borrow a flashlight from Jeff and Beth.

He was 1 1/2 when they moved from Utah and only talks to us on the phone, so where he got that is beyond me, but at least he thought of us saving them in their time of need! So cute. I miss those boys!

Does Exercise Make you Gain weight?

This conversation is between a little girl in my class and myself.

Shaylee: Does exercise make you gain weight?

Me: No, it helps you lose weight.

Shaylee: It does? Because I think I heard my mom and dad saying it makes you gain weight.

Me: Well, when you eat you are putting calories in your body. When you exercise you burn the calories off so you lose weight. Why?

Shaylee: Because I want to be 80 pounds.

Me: Why?

Shaylee: Because my mom is going to make me sit in a carseat.

Me: Laughing hysterically--real sensitive I know

When they passed that law in Utah I thought it was so stupid because I'm sorry, but I cannot picture 8 year olds that are almost as big as me in carseats. But, boy is it good that we didn't pass that law that parents can't smoke in their car with children present. Let's strap them in real tight and then light up so they can't away from the toxic fumes. There's our politicians...really thinking for the good of everyone, right?

Inaugeration Day

This conversation happened after the inaugeration when I talked to my sister on the phone.

Me: Did you have a good day at school today?

Melissa: I had to watch Obama.

Me: You did? Did you like it?

Melissa: I plugged my ears and I closed my eyes.

Me: Why?

Melissa: Because I didn't want to watch it. My mom doesn't like that man.



jonna said...

good conversations...always a hoot coming from you.
I too thought about calling you the other day, but realized you are in school so it would have just been a message. When do you think you will come out again! i am getting big...faster than before, must be b/c it is my second. miss you tons!!!

Cindi said...

I wish I could hear those stories in person because I'm sure you could do all of the voices. Hope February is more exciting for you. Miss you.

Dana said...

cute stories! it's good to hear from you again!

Lindsey said...

I love your stories!!!! Soooo funny. I miss the funny things students say.

Cheryl said...

I hope you're collecting all of these to make into a book some day. Hillarious! You definitely have a talent for re-telling them in a funny way. Especially impressive on a computer.

The Birds said...

I love it! This is the best thing about teaching! I have to say it is pretty fun to hear what Kenedy says also, but 8 year olds are th best! I miss you tons!

Lacey said...

Your little sister is so cute. Miss you guys!

Rachel K. said...

I was totally laughing at your comment about people smoking in the car with their 8 year old strapped in! So true! I made my class watch the inauguration too, but I was the one at the back with my ears plugged... Just kidding! I miss you!

The Peterson's said...

You are funny! I love the way you tell stories!! That to me is enought to blog about!

Carrie and Jeff said...

That Obama convo made me laugh. Kids are hilarious.