Well, here is our New Year's Day picture for 2009. I cannot believe it is 2009 already--high school reunion year...has it really been that long??
I hope everyone has had an enjoyable holiday season. I sure have been enjoying the "break" although I have definitely been keeping myself busy. Since Jeff is no longer in school, he did not get a long enough break, but I have enjoyed having him the few days I got him--and I have definitely kept him busy!
We spent most of the time renovating our upstairs. What a project! All three bedrooms upstairs has popcorn ceiling and white walls. That is all changed now. There is no more popcorn ceiling and the walls are all painted. I forgot to take an after picture. It was loads of work, lots of trips to Ace and Home Depot, but definitely worth it! We have made so many changes to the house already and I seem to find a new project everyday...much to Jeff's dismay!
This is a gross picture, but it is the only one I could find to show how much running I have been doing! My toenail is probably not going to last much longer. Either way, the weather here is terrific for winter running. We are colder than Utah, but we have less snow which is great. I was able to run outside 4 of the days which was a nice needed treadmill break! I have loved being able to go out when it is light since I didn't have to be at work. I have really been enjoying being away from school more so this year than previous years. Having a house has given me plenty of things to work on and keep busy. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year. Best wishes for 2009!
Your house looks fantastic! Keep up the good work. I am glad that you guys had a great Christmas.
Yeah for a post, I was missing you! Way to go with all the running. I think about you and Jeff all the time as I am training for a 1/2 marathon. I run in 2 weeks!! I'm so nervous! I'll try to channel Jeff while I run. He's such a fast little devil!! Hope you had a great break!
Sounds like you are loving it there now! I'm so glad you had a great holiday break...now it's back to the grind at work, eh? :( I'm not excited.
I'm so motivated by your running...you amaze me. I want to be more like you!!!
Busy, busy! That is great to get some of your rooms done though.
Wow your tree was super cute! I'm glad that you had a nice Christmas... I miss ya!
Wow! Be nice to your toenail.
Oh, Happy New Year!! The weather was so unpredictable. I didn't call you because of the weather, but I was sure thinking of you and missing you!! It looks like you and Jeff had a busy and nice holiday break. Your house is going to be fab!!
I want to see after pics of your house! I would love to chat anytime! Call ME! What a sad toenail! I wish I could say I have been running enough for my toenails to fall off, but that is not the case! I hate running in the winter and I can't do the treadmill; I get bored. So I am doing P90X for the time being! Maybe one day we can race together!
You are so cute! The house looks good. I love the update! I have no clue when I will get up there any more but hopefully I can see you house when it is all done!
ok, the toe...so that's why I don't run a lot. You guys have been doing so much with your house. You have to post after pictures.
Have you seen any naked men on your runs out there?:) I miss your stories! Good job on the house...post pics soon. miss you and I too think we need another visit soon...what are your plans like!
Hey Beth! I am glad you had a great break! I better get my butt in gear an post about ours! Your toes looks like it hurts I can honestly say I have never ran enough to make anything like that happen to my body! I miss you tons! We need to chat soon!
beth...where are you?:(
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