Sunday, October 7, 2018

fun with grandparents

 Grandparents are the best and the only thing we don't like about living where we are is the distance from grandparents.  Grandma Hunziker always has fun ideas and activities and she brought some fun sling shots that lit up.  The girls had so much fun!

Savanna has always had a strong connection with Grandpa McLean.  She talks to him on FaceTime whenever she gets the chance and thinks playing hide and seek over FaceTime is about the best activity there could ever be.  It was no surprise she quickly found him and sat with him when she had the chance. One morning they spent time together reading the Friend magazine and giggling over the search and find.  It was so sweet.  Grandma McLean spent time working with Heidi on sewing and learning to read a pattern.  It was so great for the girls to have this time with their grandparents and we were so sad when the house was empty and and the grandparents were gone. 

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