Saturday, February 24, 2018

100th day of school

 I can't believe Heidi has been in school 100 days already!  Where has the year gone??!  She was so excited to dress up like a 100 year old.  Unfortunately that morning she said her stomach hurt.  Honestly, her stomach hurts more often than I think it should so I didn't know that it wasn't just her normal pains.  She wouldn't eat much breakfast, but she didn't want to miss the 100th day.  She also had a minor cough, but as far as I could tell, she had no fever and I assumed she was just a little uncomfortable for whatever reason.  About an hour or two after I dropped her off, I got a call from the school saying she had a slight fever and wasn't feeling well! I felt so bad and rushed to pick her up.  She was semi-okay when we got home, but within an hour or two her fever spiked and she was miserable!  Thankfully she was much, much better in the morning and her fever had faded.  I wish my little Heidi didn't get sick so often and hope a lot of it she outgrows.  She was SO mad about having to go to the nurse, but she survived and I am so grateful she was able to recover quickly!

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