Sunday, December 17, 2017

heidi's last week of school

 It's no secret Heidi loves school.  I mean, loves school. She has not been thrilled about the idea that she won't be there for a few weeks.  I, on the other hand, cannot be more thrilled to have her home for a little while!  Having her gone has never really gotten easier for me and I love when she has breaks.  She had a fun last week and I got to go help out a little bit, which is always a treat.  She made gingerbread houses and had a pajama and Polar Express Day, she learned about Christmas around the world, had a Grinch day, a Rudolph day, and a little class party.  It was a busy and full week! I love her teacher, I love all of the friends she has made,  I love her school, I love how much she loves to learn and I am so grateful for everyone who loves and cares and teaches my baby each day!

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