Friday, September 29, 2017

heidi at 7

 I have been trying to find time to get this busy girl's picture and post written or a long time!  Today is the day!  Oh my goodness do we love this gorgeous girl!  She is just growing so fast and we are so proud of the incredible girl she is becoming!

*Heidi loves to be part of anything and everything.  This year she is involved in soccer, dance, and piano and she says she loves them all. 

*I have never met anyone who loves school as much as Heidi does.  She hates when there is a day off and doesn't even like the weekends!  While I am sure there will be days and years she wishes she didn't have school, I have always said this is a child who was built for school.  She loves the structure, she loves to learn, she loves the social aspect. 

*Heidi has an unbelievable memory and is so incredibly smart.  Her tests scores are so high they are off the charts.

 *She has yet to meet a book she doesn't love and she constantly has one in her hands.  Lately she is obsessed with the Princess Posey series, but every time I get her a new book, she finishes it before I realize she even started reading it!

*Heidi loves to get dressed up and figure out outfits and hair styles. 

*When Heidi gets home from school, she races to her room to play school.  I am amazed at her creativity and imagination.  Last time I checked she was teaching her animals about missing addends and she had them in groups sitting around different plates with different counters.  She also has headphones she made taped to her wall she uses for a listening center. 

*Heidi says she wants to be a vet, a teacher, and a mom when she grows up.

 *Heidi is so responsible and she just seems so much more mature than her age.  She understands how people are feeling and has a lot of empathy. 

*Savanna and Caimbree are so lucky to have Heidi as their big sister.  She includes them in her games, she reads to them, and she is always watching out for them. 

*Heidi makes friends so easily and no matter the age, everyone wants to play with Heidi and considers he their best friend.  It's no surprise because she is so sweet and kind and she always has a super fun game up her sleeve. 

*Heidi is still a horrible sick patient, but she has gotten a tiny bit better at the doctor, but it is still a stressful experience for all of us!

*Heidi loves to take charge and feel big.  She often carries a calculator around as her phone and talks to her friends.

*Heidi often holds herself back with her mind.  She gets frustrated if she can't do what she wants to perfectly the very first time she tries. 

*She absolutely loves jokes and we absolutely love to hear her tell jokes.

*We are amazed at quickly she is learning to play the piano.  She loves to learn new songs and she loves to play for anyone who will listen. 

We could not be more proud of this 
amazing seven year old!
She has grown up so much
this year!  We are
especially proud to see her care and 
concern for others.

She is one in a million and we feel
so incredibly lucky and blessed she
is ours!

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