Friday, March 31, 2017


 Heidi's school had their fundraiser this week.  Truth be told, I really don't like fundraisers.  As a former teacher, I understand how critical fundraising money is for schools.  I know funding is limited and that it takes money to get the best materials and resources.  I also know people work hard for their money and asking friends and family to give their hard earned money is just not something I am comfortable with.  When Heidi brought the fundraising information home she was so excited about it and wanted to call everyone she knew and go to all the neighbors.  I told her we were not going door to door, but she could call her family.  Jeff's parents, my parents, my best friend in Cali, and all of my brothers sponsored her.  The average student walked 25 laps, but Heidi walked/ran 36 laps!  I couldn't believe it!!!  She could not wait to call everyone and let them know.  She had the second highest number of laps in her class.  All of our hiking and trips around the lake must have paid off.  She had such a fun day and was in such a great mood when she got home.  I am so grateful for our friends and family who supported her. It really meant so much to her and made the
day so special for her!

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