I've had that song stuck in my head all day and have been driving Jeff a little batty by singing it to him repeatedly since we spent the day in Memphis! I'm so funny haha.
We had an awesome day!! I have decided that Memphis is a bit on the seedy side and there were parts where I made sure the doors were locked about 3 times, but we got to the zoo and had a great day! It's a really fun zoo and bigger than the Nashville Zoo. The girls were in stellar moods and were just so cute and excited about everything. They especially liked the Panda Bears. We just checked a book out all about sea otters at the library and they were very excited to see a few of those as well. Savanna was giggling with delight watching the seals swim under the water. It really was a wonderful day. The girls were troopers in the car and everything went smoothly. The only downfall is that I have been having quite a bit of trouble with my back...I think we need a new mattress in the worst way. Caimb had a really rough night for some reason and I finally just stuck her in bed with us around 3 AM. I'm thinking that sleeping funny with her in bed and then a 3 hour car ride really did my lower back in. I can barely move right now and I am hoping and praying it will relax by tomorrow as it is my turn for sharing time.
We had such a fun time in Memphis! We probably won't go back anytime soon since it's not super close, but it was on our bucket list of things to do while we are here and we are glad we had an excuse to go...and I'm sure the farmhouse sink is going to be so beautiful that Jeff will be thanking me for making sure we had it...haha elbow, elbow, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Love you, Jeffrey!
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