The Monday before Easter we always have a special family night. This whole month we have really been talking and focusing on the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. Tonight we hid eggs with pictures and details of all of the events that happened before and after Christ was crucified. The girls had an absolute blast hunting for the eggs. We brought them in and put the events in order and read some scriptures. The girls were listening more intently than usual and were able to tell a ton of the story themselves. This year it was even more special than past years because the girls were very involved in telling the details of everything that happened. As I was bearing testimony of the events and what all of it meant, I looked over at Heidi and noticed she had tears in her eyes. As we were talking about everything and testifying of everything, we could all feel the spirit so strong. The girls kept saying how much they love Jesus and when we were talking about all of the things that happened to Christ, Savanna kept saying, "I feel sad for Jesus. Why did they hurt Jesus? I feel so sad." She has the most tender, loving heart. We watched a video showing the crucifixion and resurrection and the girls were completely silent. Savanna was so sad during the crucifixion but when it got to the resurrection, Heidi put her arm around Savanna and said, "This is the happy part!! He is risen!" They wanted to watch it again and again, but we only had time to watch it once. Every night I sing to the girls before bed. I was singing Heidi, "Did Jesus really live again?" As I sat singing and hugging her, I was so choked up I could hardly get through the song. I am so grateful for my Savior. I am so grateful that because of His sacrifice for me, I can live with Him again. I can't wait to see my family members and friends who I have loved and lost. When I see my sweet, precious girls so touched by the spirit, it strengthens my testimony and makes me want to be better, stronger, and more faithful. I am so grateful for the spirit I have felt in my life. There are times I haven't paid attention to it, or have taken it for granted, or have started to question and doubt what I have felt. But when I think back on moments like tonight when the spirit is SO undeniably strong it is all the proof I need that I have a Father in Heaven who loves me so much in spite of all of my shortcomings and doubts. I am so grateful He sent these three precious angels to me and for their sweet, tender hearts. I am so unbelievably blessed.
1 comment:
What a beautiful testimony! I had a similar experience with my boys this year. I was amazed at all the details they remembered, and it was a special family time for sure. I love the egg hunt idea...I need to copy that!
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