Friday, January 23, 2015


 Obviously neither of these pictures show it, but Caimbree probably better start learning to eat food soon since she has officially started getting teeth!  We noticed her two bottom teeth had popped through a couple of days ago.  Heidi's came through at 6 months and Savanna's when she was almost 11 months, so I wasn't sure what to expect.  The girls are pretty excited about the new teeth.

In other news we are slowly healing.  This is the longest drawn out sickness we have ever had but we will hopefully beat it soon.  Everyone still has awful, awful coughs, which is the most annoying symptom at this point.  Savanna woke up Monday with pink eye so we had to go back to the doctor.  It is clearing up, but it's definitely not all the way gone and I am not sure how fast it is supposed to heal, as that is one thing we have never experienced.  Our bodies are all just so tired from coughing so hard and from coughing all night long.  If we never had to cough again, it would be too soon.  Anyway, not much else new going on around our house...just trying to stay home, take it easy, and recover.  I have to say we are going a little stir
crazy, but I would never want to risk infecting anyone else with has been beastly.

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