Monday, December 2, 2013


I hate doing posts without pictures, but sadly we remembered to bring everything to Thanksgiving except the camera.  What a shame, because we had a wonderful time.  Heidi kept saying funny things before we left like, "I'm so excited for Firstgiving I am just going to bump off the couch."  Whatever that means.  We were all so excited to go, and it was such a fun trip!  Heidi couldn't have had more fun with her cousins and they were all so sweet to play with her all day long.  In spite of Savanna not sleeping as well as she usually does, she was still pretty happy and had fun exploring a new place.  The food was delicious, like always.  I ate way too much, like always.  I definitely felt the overeating and lack of exercise last week when I was on the treadmill this morning.  Thanks again to Jeff's wonderful parents for hosting a delicious, relaxing, fun holiday for our family!  Next year we'll remember to bring the camera...

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