*Rolling, rolling, rolling all over the place to get whatever she wants. She gets on her hands and knees from time to time from a sitting position, but hasn't quite figured out the crawl yet.
*When people meet her they comment on one of three things: her blue eyes, her small size, or how happy she is.
*So incredibly grabby!! She is so fast about it that it is hard to avoid major messes.
*Pats everything.
*Takes 2 naps--one at 9am and one at 1pm. Generally sleeps an hour in the morning and about 2 hours in the afternoon.
*Night sleep is still pretty inconsistent, but she is generally only up once...unless she's not in her bed. Then she is up ALL night. I don't know how she even knows!

*Out of nowhere she has decided bottles and formula are fine. I'm pretty thrilled about that one!
*Loves to stand up. We even caught her trying to pull herself up on Heidi's bed.
*Absolutely adores being outside.
*Most of the sounds we hear include mamama, dadad, bababa, and rarara.
*Starting to show a little separation anxiety, but really not too bad yet. If I set her down and she actually sees me leave the room she isn't happy. If she doesn't see me, she's fine.
*Gives big open mouth kisses and pulls your face right into hers.
*Still not a major cuddle bug....so sad! She prefers to be down on the floor most of the time, but I have been getting her to give a few more cuddles lately.
*She is still really laid back and will go with pretty much whatever we are doing.
*Loves peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake, and swinging in the baby swings.
*Kicks her legs like crazy when she's excited--usually the second she sees anyone, when you come to get her from her crib, and in the swings. It is pretty much the cutest, most adorable thing ever.
*We often call her Vanny Vans, Savanna Banana, Vanners, and Little Miss Happy Pants
We are so lucky to have such a sweet baby in our home!
We love you, Vanners!
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