Can you tell how much Savanna idolizes Heidi? |
Do you ever feel like you are so busy all day long but look around and wonder what in the world was accomplished? When Jeff gets home I am sure he thinks, "why in the world doesn't she ever sweep this floor?" Thankfully he is kind enough to keep those thoughts to himself if they cross his mind. Of course, he hasn't seen me sweep after breakfast, before naps, and after lunch (all one handed, I might add). I wonder how in the world I just can't keep up with only two little ones and then I realize it's because I always have company. Sometimes I think about how much I could accomplish if I even just had one full hour to clean the entire house and get all the meals made. Without "help" I bet I could get it all done in a hurry. But let's be honest. On the rare occasion I don't have one or both of my little ones by my side I feel like something is missing. Sure dinner gets made faster, but then the whole time I long to hear Heidi asking me things like, "Do I even like olives? Does dad like olives? Do you think dad is missing me at work today? 'Cause why? Can I dump the sauce in by myself?" On the days I get overwhelmed that the house doesn't look as perfect as I would like or the dinner isn't in the oven early enough, I try to remember just how much I love my company. Even though it will be easier to get things done, I absolutely
dread the day they don't want to be by my side. Some days I get overwhelmed with how incredibly quickly they are growing up. Sometimes I feel like I have waited my whole life for this moment in time...married with little kids running around and it is going way, way, way too fast!! I can't stand it. I get teary eyed just thinking about how fast time is going. I am so grateful I get to stay home with my girls. I just put a whole bunch of Savanna's clothes away that she has outgrown and am enjoying putting her in clothes I remember Heidi wearing. I hated putting clothes away for Heidi and I hate it even more for Savanna because this time around I know how fast it is going. Some days I am overwhelmed. Some days I am so tired. Some days I just want 10 minutes to myself. But most days I just want to freeze time and keep my company little forever.
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