When I told Heidi it was nice enough to go to the park
she was so excited. I went downstairs to get Savanna and by the time I was back upstairs she had taken her pajamas off, picked out clothes, and even started putting them on herself! I was so proud of her! She has been really interested in it lately and has had lots of practice lately since she thinks it's so fun to put my clothes on and off. She took a nap in one of my t-shirts the other day. So funny. We walked to the post office and then headed straight to our favorite park--the shady park as Heidi calls it. The whole time we were there Heidi kept reminding me of all the things she did there last summer.

In other news, this little sweetie has been sleeping so much better!! It may be a fluke, but I would like to tell myself she is finally figuring it out! I stuck to my guns and took the swing away for naps. For 3 days she struggled to stay asleep for longer than 30 minutes or so and I just kept putting the binky back in or doing anything else I could to keep her in her bed and asleep. Last night was the first night I put her down and she didn't wake up within 10 minutes. She slept from 8pm-4:30am, ate and went right back to sleep until Heidi woke her up around 7. Then this morning she went right to sleep in her crib for her morning and afternoon naps. Maybe she is just growing and needs a little extra sleep. Or more likely since we found a binky she loves and actually keeps in, she is sleeping longer stretches. I remember Heidi would go through periods where she napped or slept better and I thought she had figured it out only to be disappointed, but having a solid 6 hour stretch of sleep felt like heaven last night! Here's to hoping the sleeping and more importantly, the weather lasts!
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