Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Oh my belly

Okay, so part of me can't believe I am even posting how incredibly huge I am, but when Heidi wanted to share some stickers from her great-grandma with her sister I just had to take a picture.  Ever since she has been able to feel the baby constantly moving, she is obsessed with her...that is sure to end when the baby comes out and she has to share attention, but for now, it warms my heart.

This is going to sound bad, but I am not even completely sure how many weeks along I am.  Does that give you an idea of how crazy I feel lately?   With Heidi I knew exactly how many weeks and how many days.  I think I am 28 weeks but I might be 29?  Either way, at the last appointment I was measuring a week big and that was enough to just make me feel lousy about myself!  They just shouldn't tell a pregnant woman that.  So I am thinking this baby is going to be totally opposite of tiny little Heidi since with her I always measured 1-2 weeks small.  I was barely even wearing maternity clothes at this point.  I had this hope that I would be one of the rare few who get smaller babies each time, but it doesn't appear to be going that way...nuts. I just really, really hope I can get back into a regular running routine once she comes and we are feeling settled in our new place.

Other than being huge, the pregnancy is going fine.  I don't make the greatest pregnant lady, but I am trying not to complain because I feel so lucky to have another child.  It's funny how your perspective changes when you have to fight just to have one.  The migraines have gone down from 2-3 times a weeks to 2-3 times a month so that's a blessing.  I really think the hardest thing is just that Heidi still wants to be held a great deal and I have to bend over to pick things up more often than I did when pregnant with her.  But really, I do feel much better than I did a month ago and I love feeling this little one practice gymnastics all day.

I am hoping we are in the house at least a day before she is born, but more than that, I wish we were in right now!  I want to be getting the nursery ready and get Heidi settled in a big girl bed.  It feels like our lives are on hold.  Since I can't just make the house appear, I will just have to learn to be grateful for what I have now and the time I have to give Heidi all of my attention.  


Cheryl said...

I don't think you look huge at all! And I don't know if it helps, but in my last pregnancy, I measured a couple of weeks bigger for the first half and then suddenly, I was two weeks too small. And that's when my Dr. let me know that that measurement really isn't that big of an indicator. And I had a friend who's daughter ended up being only 4 lbs, but she measured right on for her whole pregnancy. So, don't worry about it! I'm sure you just look cute! (c:

Geoff and Bets said...

such a great mama beth! i never knew what week i was with my second or third pregnancy either.

Becca said...

Are you kidding me?! I have been dying to see that preggo belly of yours and it is so perfectly cute and petite and not even the least bit huge! You look like the most adorable pregnant mama ever! <3