Sunday, December 4, 2011

Getting in the Christmas Spirit

 Last Sunday we put up the tree and decorations.  Last year I was excited to have Heidi with us for Christmas, but this year I am over the top excited about having her around to celebrate.

I seriously cannot get a picture of her without her cheesy grin unless I catch her off guard...and then she usually has a weird look on her face.  I couldn't believe she didn't pull the hat off as soon as it went on. 
Thankfully, while Heidi absolutely adores the tree and is amazed by it every morning (as soon as we turn on the lights she points excitedly and whispers, "wow" repeatedly), she has no interest in playing with the ornaments or presents, or really being near the tree alone in general.  She's actually a little scared of it I think.
Now if only I could get a picture of her in the hat and by the tree--or even just by the tree by herself. 

A rare picture without a cheeser, but looking far more serious than she is.  She was amazed by the light up snowman and entertained herself for quite sometime.  I am shocked that she hasn't pulling at all the Christmas decorations, but she just points and looks at them.  She likes to point at the Santa and say, "ho, ho, ho".  She picked up on that one fast.  I have a feeling he won't seem quite so jolly when we take a trip to the mall to meet Santa in person.  If you know Heidi, you know that's going to go over really well!

I feel so blessed to be able to celebrate our Savior's birth this time of year and of course, all the fun traditions that go along with the season!

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