Height: 28 inches--25%
Weight: 16 pounds, 3 oz--Not on the charts
Heidi loves to be held, so I am so not complaining about her petite size! She is a pretty funny little girl and shows us more and more of her personality everyday.
*Will no longer keep any bow, headband, or ponytail in her hair for long. She is obsessed with pulling anything and everything out of her hair. This is unfortunate because she looks much cuter when her luscious locks are tamed a bit.
*If you are eating ANYTHING, she will pull your face next to hers and try to pry open your mouth to take whatever you have. She thinks this is really, really funny.
*Heidi is a bit obsessed with books. I have told her from the day she was born that she would probably rather be a teacher like her mom and not an engineer like her dad. Truthfully I will be happy with whatever she decides to choose for her career, but deep down I hope her dream is to be a teacher. I have a basket of books next to the rocking chair and multiple times a day we sit in the chair and after we finish a book, Heidi will squirm off of my lap, pick a new one, hand it to me, and climb back up. This activity can literally last for 20 min. or more. She loves books and just can't seem to get enough. I'm not complaining.
*When Jeff says something funny and starts laughing, Heidi also likes to start "laughing". She will do it with me if she's in the mood, but when her daddy laughs, she just can't control herself.
*She is a giant tease. She loves to tease and she loves to be teased.
*Determined, ambitious, stubborn? Yes, I would say all three of these words describe Heidikins perfectly. This girl knows exactly what she wants and will not give up until she has it figured out. She figures out how to use her body quite easily and is very creative in finding ways to get up to what she wants.
*Don't let her size fool you. A big personality came with this girl. She is also what I like to call scrappy. I'm kind of worried about her being a bully. Remember how three sentences or so ago I mentioned that she would stop at nothing to get what she wants? Well, one day we were hanging out with my friend and her little boy who is twice her size and 6 weeks younger. Heidi wanted to get onto the counter. So she simply grabbed her friend's hair and stood on his lap to make herself a bit taller. She was also riding him like a bull a few seconds later. Like I said, scrappy.
*Chatterbox, chatterbox, chatterbox! Oftentimes a loud chatterbox. She is constantly babbling and repeatedly says, "hi" to anyone and everyone who will listen. If she thinks you're not listening, she will continue to repeat herself until you return the "hi".
*Says, "hi", "uh oh", "no", "nigh nigh", "dada", and "mama"...although the last two are debatable because she doesn't say them consistently. She makes her owl "who" ALL the time and says, "oh" and points to everything.
*Has such a good arm! Seriously. She does not throw like a girl and has unbelievable aim. I'm sure it's just luck, but she sure gets lucky a lot.
*Walks all over the place, but it is hard for her to walk outside because she will not keep shoes on her feet and the ground is too hot. What usually happens is this: We take her for a walk in her stroller, she somehow manages to get out. If Jeff and I are together, one of us holds her. She wiggles like a crazy person trying to get out of your arms. We hurry home. It's pretty sweet. The weird thing is she never even tries to get out of the stroller when we go for our run in the morning. Thank heavens for that.
*She has 8 teeth and it looks like 2-4 more are on their way. Let's hope they get here fast.
*Sleeps from about 7-6. Sometimes 6:30-6. Sometimes 7-5:30. We never get her before 6, but sometimes I think she gets up and plays around with her binkys because there are times she has thrown them from her crib all the way to the door. I told you, good arm. Still takes two naps a day, one at 9am and the other around 1pm.
We love our little one-year-old and all the funny things she
does. We are so grateful to have her cute
personality in our home!
We are so lucky to have you, Heidi Bug!!!!
does. We are so grateful to have her cute
personality in our home!
We are so lucky to have you, Heidi Bug!!!!