Heidi turned 11-months on the 19th. Where did my little baby go? I cannot believe how much and how fast she has changed. What I really can't believe is that she will be a one-year old in a month. With everyday that passes we get to see and more and more of Heidi's personality and we are loving what we see. She is such a tease.
*She is sporting 7 teeth and appears to be working on at least one more.
*Will eat pretty much anything as long as it is the baby food jar consistency. Appears to be picky about texture. Unless of course she is eating off your plate, then she likes anything. If you take something off your plate and put it on her tray, well then, she doesn't want it.
*Absolutely loves to be chased around. If she even thinks you're gettin
*Books hold her attention the longest. We go to the library often so she always has new books to flip through. She loves turning pages.
*Shakes her right leg like crazy whenever she is excited or mad.
*Babbles all the time and often sa
*Understanding a ton of words! She looks up at the ceiling when you say, "fan", looks around for the ball, seems to understand "drink" and she definitely knows her name. I'm pretty sure she understands, "no", but she often chooses to ignore that one.
*Has a very, very high pitched squeal and chooses to uses at the most inappropriate times.
*Does pretty well at church for the first two hours. Usually we are in the hall for the third hour.
*She is still such an early bird!! The later she goes to bed, the earlier she is up. She generally still sleeps from 7pm-6am, but she tries to get up earlier sometimes. Th
*Loves our morning run. She usually squeals and babbles the whole time. If you tip the stroller back while you're going to reaches her arms up, shakes her right leg, and starts squealing.
*Starting to look a whole lot chubbier.
*Stands on her own and has taken one or two steps at a time.
*She seems to be kind of a scaredy cat. When she gets scared she starts shaking and has a death grip on your collar.
*Has an absolute fit if she thinks someone is going to take her from her mother or father. Once we are out of sight, she eventually calms down. We are hoping to fix that this year.
*Starting to throw tantrums if she thinks you're not going to do what she wants.
*Loves bouncing to music.
*Flails her arms back and forth like she's directing music.
*Does not like anything to be organized...she will quickly empty any basket, drawer, bookshelf, etc.
*Loves watching other kids.
*Loves to be outside.
*Gives big kisses, but so far mommy is the only recipient. It is the cutest, sweetest thing ever.
*Loves to be held and walked around. If she's tired or mad, she likes you to carry her around and she likes to have her cheek on your cheek.
*Doesn't really love to play alone. She wants someone to be sitting with her and then she is fine.
*Has a really, really hard time going to sleep if there is someone over, if there is a lot of noise, or if something is different than normal.
She is so cute and fun. I can see while you love her so much! I love that she loves morning runs and books. That is wonderful!
She is so darling! I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She looks just like you, Beth! So I hear you are going back to work...1/2 day? Are you excited for that?
We had a 6pm bedtime for Chase for about a year, because that was when he wanted to go to bed...and we paid the consequences if we kept him up any later! It was definitely early, especially for a working mom and anyone else who wanted to see us, but you just gotta go with what works and know that it changes all the time.;)
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