*Stands without support, but hasn't quite figured out how to get her legs to move forward. She can even get herself to the standing position from a sitting position. Once there, she tries to dive forward with her arms. She probably needs to practice walking along furnitur
*Crawls up the stairs, but not down.
*Has had about 8 tear-free baths. HOORAY!! It only took ten months to get her to this point and I am just crossing my fingers she continues on this path!
*Most people that meet her for the first time tell me she is a whole lot smaller in person than she looks in pictures.
*Gets jealous when I talk on the phone.
*Has 6 teeth...4 on top, 2 on the bottom. She is working on two more bottom teeth currently.
*Eating is hit or miss. One day she will like something, the
*Has major separation anxiety and it keeps getting worse. She doesn't seem to favor me over Jeff unless she is tired. She will smile and flirt with most anyone as long as her mom or dad are the ones holding her. Nursery is going to be so fun if we don't get over this!
*Generally still sleeps 7pm-6am, with a morning nap and an afternoon nap. I wish I could get her to sleep in a little longer, but it appears she is just an early riser. If I put her to bed a little later, she just wakes up earlier. It's awesome. The nice thing is, I get a lot done in the mornings and I can get my run in before it gets too warm.
*Whenever we go anywhere, most people tell us she looks "exactly like a little doll". She must, because we have been told that by tons of strangers. When we walked into a store the other day one lady said, "Oh my gosh...for a second I thought you were holding a doll." It must be those cheeks.
*She has got the crawling thing down to an art and she is soooooo speedy. It is so funny to watch.
*If her knees are bare and she gets to tile or hard wood, she switches into the "Mowgli" walk. As long as her knees are covered, she stays in a regular c
*Climber. Climbs up and onto everything including the tiniest, skinniest places. Then has a death grip with her toes. (The radiator, the tiny little part of the dishwasher when the door is open, etc.)
*Won't sleep if there is too much going on.
*Starting to get jealous when she has to share her toys.
*Pretty much she is at the really, really fun age, but really, really into anything and everything phase and we are loving it!
I can't believe she is so old already!!! She is a little doll. You must be so proud when you cart her around with you. The amazing thing is, they only get more fun!
She is darling! It really is a fun age--I'm glad you're enjoying it!
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