Friday, April 15, 2011

Tilling the Garden w/ Dad

Heidi loves noises made by machines...vacuums, dryers, treadmills, blow dryers, mixers, name it. So we thought she would probably like the rototiller too. We were right. She watched her papa intently and broke out in a huge grin when he stopped to smile at her. We were thrilled to have a day where we could spend some time outside. We even got to go for a run outside. It was lovely. Tilling the garden and planting the onions only made us more excited for the changing seasons...although we know winter will probably come back again sometime before June. I just hope we have a better and longer growing season this year. Heids in finally feeling better now. For the last couple of days she has been fighting a fever and very runny nose, which made for one tired, cranky babe. It's so nice to have our happy little girl back and thank heavens the worst of it only lasted about two days.

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