*Starting to sit on her own, but for short periods of time. She always falls to the side because she likes the game called, "I want to throw my toys to the side and then try to get them."
*Very ticklish and loves to be tickled.
*The happiest, most content child in the world as long as she is home and has her normal schedule. Take her somewhere else and, well, it's not pretty.
*Climber. She tries to climb up you the second you pick her up.
*Gets SO excited when you come to rescue her from her crib. She kicks her legs like a crazy person and squeals like crazy.
*Sleeps from about 7-6 most nights. Sometimes she wakes up and needs help finding the binky, but most of the time she gets herself.
*Napping in the crib much better. Takes a shorter nap in the morning (35 min.-1hr) and a longer nap in the afternoon (1.5-2 hrs). Hooray! This is all dependent on the last time she ate though.
*Not a great eater. Seriously. Sometimes I feel that I am forcing her to eat. She would prefer to eat an ounce or two and then play. That is what interferes with naps sometimes. :)
*Lasts a long time being distracted when tired or hungry. I am amazed at how long she can go without sleep or food and still be happy. Then she will all of the sudden hit a breaking point.
*Loves to be out and about.
*Likes sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, apples, and so far she can tolerate a few bites of beans.
*Shakes EVERYTHING to see if it will rattle.
*Rolls to her tummy all the time. Rolls to her back when she feels like it.
*Makes the cutest faces and expressions. Raises her eyebrows all the time. We love the look of sheer joy she gets the second she realizes someone is looking at her.
*Likes music and squeals or coos when music starts playing.
*Still has unruly hair. It's hard to find a way to make it look normal. Still sporting a huge bald spot in the back. It is a lot lighter than when she was first born, but it's not as light as the pictures make it look.
*The sound she usually repeats is "ba ba ba", but she has been experimenting with all sorts of sounds.
*Likes to put her fingers in her mouth and blow. Gets really excited if it makes a whistling type sound.
*Squeals with delight if you let her stand on the counter.
I'm sure I am missing a lot because she does something new and changes everyday. Sometimes I still miss working, but I am SO, SO, SO blessed not to have to miss one little squeal. Blessed, blessed, blessed. Seriously.
funny i was going to compliment heidi's hair. any secrets for keeping it? jocie's is fading fast.
She gets cuter and cuter!
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