*Her favorite sound is still "Chubaca"
*Still not a night owl. Sleeps in her crib from about 7-5:30. Then she eats and sleeps another 1-2 hours.
*Kicks, kicks, kicks her legs like a crazy person...quite a handy tool when fighting sleep.
*Not a napper. She will usually only nap for about 30 min. If she is in the swing I can sometimes get her to stretch it a little longer or fall back asleep after the 30 minute wake up, but not if she is anywhere else.
*Becoming more mobile. Rolls from her back to tummy ALL the time...it's the tummy to back she can't seem to master. Sometimes she gets stuck on her tummy in the middle of the night and needs me to go in and flip her over.
*Squeals at increasingly higher octaves everyday.
*Everything goes into the mouth.
*We have all sorts of nicknames for her. Some make sense...some, well, who knows? A few she has been known to be called are: Heids, Heidi Spidey Pumpkin Piedy, cutie bug, magnet hands, kicky pants, grabby pants.
*Likes to grab faces and collars. Grabs our face and pulls it right smack next to hers.
*She nurses in the morning, but gets a mix of formula and pumped milk during the day.
*Her poor hair looks a little more sparse and a little thinner every day. We are dying for the new hair to arrive! I used to be able to get it to curl
*Clasps her hands and holds them in front of her face while twisting them. So funny. She stares and concentrates on her moving hands.
*Always grabs objects with her feet.
*Raises her eyebrows--so funny.
*Getting closer to sitting on her own. Will do okay for a couple of seconds before toppling over.
*Always the happiest when it is just mom and dad around in her own house. Doesn't tend to show her best self to others!
*Prefers oatmeal over rice cereal. Eats it before bed. We tried squash, but it didn't go over so well. So funny. We are going to attempt again in a couple of weeks.
Overall, we are just enjoying watching our little girl grow! Every day we love her more and seriously can't imagine how we ever got along without her!
She is so cute!!! I love her big, bright eyes. Glad to hear that she is sleeping better at night for you. 7-5:30 is a good chunk of time. Are you guys coming to Utah any time soon? I would love to see you two if/when you come.
I LOVE that nickname Heidi Spidey Pumpkin Piedy! So funny what we end up saying to babies! She looks so cute Beth! I'm so happy for you guys!
I can't believe how fast time flew!! She is so cute!! Can't wait to see her again.
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