*As long as Heidi is not tired, she is the happiest, most pleasant little girl.
*We think she might be on the shy side. When she is home with just us, she coos, squeals, and laughs constantly. If someone is over or we go somewhere she hardly makes a peep. We aren't sure if it's because she is shy, or because she is still so observant and is trying to take everything in.
*When you lay her on the floor, she usually spins around and around.
*Rolls over, but mostly from back to stomach and it's always when you least expect it.
*She doesn't really seem to like it if someone she isn't used to is at her house or in her space. It takes her a little bit to warm up to the idea of it not just being mom or dad. We wish she would show her best self to other people too!
*She likes to sit on the counter in her bumbo while I cook and watch and s
*Stares at you from across the room waiting for you to catch her eye then when you do, she breaks out in a huge grin and crinkles her nose.
*Her toes are her new favorite toy...and I thought keeping socks on was hard before!
*Her hair is getting very light and is thinning like crazy. She has a huge bald spot in the back...she really needs to learn how to sleep laying still!
*When she gets excited she kicks her legs and flails her arms like crazy.
*Her laugh is the cutest sound in the whole world and due to the fact that she is so ticklis
*Still a big time cuddle bug. While sometimes it can be hard, I wouldn't want her any other way. She has to be snuggled when she wakes up from any nap and even when she is playing on the floor she likes to be picked up and hugged from time to time and then she is ready to play some more. She likes to grab our face and pull it right next to hers and rest her head on our cheek.
*Gets scared easily. She is very jumpy...just like her mom. If she doesn't know someone else in the room and then hears them or sees them she jumps.
*Likes to be read to.
*Likes music and laughs if you make her dance.
*Early to bed/early to rise. In bed by 7 or 7:30. She usually falls asleep while I put lotion on her and get her ready for bed--no matter how much sleep she has had during the day. She has been waking up around 3 and will usually take the pacifier until about 4:30 and then again until about 5 or 5:30. Then she eats and cuddles and goes back to sleep for another 30 min. to an hour. Sometimes she takes two short naps and one long nap and other times she takes 3 or 4 short naps a day. We need to start moving her to her crib, but mommy and daddy have more separation anxiety than she does!
We love our little cuddle bug to pieces and cannot imagine how we ever lived our lives without her. We are so grateful to have a sweet, healthy, happy little baby and really, really want her to stop growing up!
I am very jumpy too! Cairo is not and find it really funny if he scares me. She gets cuter and cuter. Being a mom is the best!
I LOVE that top picture! She is so adorable!
So cute beth! I want to meet her!!
What cutie!!! I love all of the pictures. And it sounds like the sleeping situation is getting better. Yeah!!!!
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