We can't get into the doctor until the 30th so we don't have stats yet, but we have noticed our little bug growing like crazy lately...a little too much if you ask me! Heidi is such a happy little thing lately and we are just loving watching her learn and grow!
*Rolls over from tummy to back--when she feels like it...was doing it a lot, but hasn't for awhile.
*Very ticklish
*Laughs all the time...best sound in the world
*Squeals and coos and chatters non-stop
*Sporting quite the bald spot in the back
*Likes to go places--mostly because she loves to look around and take everything in
*Loves sitting on the counter to watch mom cook or do projects for the school
*Still has a hard time napping for longer than 20 min. unless she is being cuddled...LOVES to be cuddled
*Used to sleep well at night but then she got sick at Thanksgiving and hasn't slept through the night since. Wakes up since she can't breathe and we tie her over with the pacifier...will she ever sleep through the night again???
*Hates the cold
*Likes to sit in her bumbo on the table while we eat
*Has to be strapped into everything now because she moves and wiggles so much
*Spins herself around on the floor
Beth, she is getting so big. She is adorable!
What a sweetie!!
Oh Breath, she is Such a cutie! They grow WAY too fast, don't they?
It is so fun watching her grow! She is beautiful!
Beth she is beautiful! She definitely has your big beautiful eyes. Merry Christmas.
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