*Coos, coos, coos all the time.
*Does this really deep coo with a very serious face from time to time--hilarious
*Has laughed about 6 times and her mommy and daddy now make complete fools of themselves to try to get another one
*Can still wear newborn clothes...mostly nb pants
*Fake coughs and cries to get attention--I am not kidding. She will pretend to cough, you look at her, she looks at you out of the corner of her eye and gets a HUGE grin on her face
*Sleeps 8-5 or so most nights. Sometimes she wakes around 3 and gets the pacifier until 5.
*Doesn't want her crib yet, but won't have a choice when she starts getting too big for the bassinet.
*Naps much better. Sleeps in the bassinet in the morning, afternoons she ends up in mom's arms from time to time, but we are making progress.
*Only likes to eat if mom is feeding--she won't even let Jeff feed her the bottle...mom has to give her the bottle.
*Now gets a bottle of pumped milk before bed.
*Loves her baths
*Grabs things, but mostly burp cloths, wash cloths, my hair, her hair, and her clothes
*Blows lots of bubbles
*Loves to stand and especially likes to be held up over your face (like an airplane)
*LOVES pat-a-cake. That's where a lot of laughs came from
*Very observant...can't sleep if there is activity or people around unless really tired. When she gets really tired and wants to sleep but there is a lot happening (like church) she will cover her eyes to try to sleep
*Likes you to hold the pacifier in her mouth so she can hold your hand, even though she can keep it in just fine
*Loves to cuddle and be held (especially if mom is the one holding)
*Loves her activity mats and bouncy seat
*Loves the piano, blow dryer, and vacuum
Overall, she is just a fun, happy little girl and we couldn't love her more. Some days I watch the kids getting off the bus at the bus stop in front of my house and hear the bells at the school behind my house and I get really, really sad. Not a day goes by that I don't miss teaching, but every time I hear Heidi laugh, coo, squeal, or smile I remember why I stayed home. I wouldn't want to miss a single minute because it is going way too fast! I feel so lucky to have the option to stay home!
It's amazing how fast it goes! I can't believe I have a 2 year old! She is just getting cuter and cuter!
She is so cute! Time really does go by fast!
I can't believe how small she is. Cute! You are very lucky that you get to stay home and so am I.
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