Anyway, things are going fine around here. Heidi definitely looks more like her dad these days. Her hair seems to be getting lighter, but it isn't falling out yet. I kind of hope it doesn't fall out too badly because it could look very strange where she has so much.
When we got home from the hospital I had a call from the Utah health place saying Heidi's PKU tests came back with some abnormal results. They were concerned about some metabolic disorder and cystic fibrosis. I took her in for her 2 week where they did the second PKU and we are thrilled to learn that the results are now normal. What a huge relief!!
We are adjusting slowly, but surely. Lack of sleep is the hardest part, as I knew it would be. Nursing is slowly getting a little better. We were doing pretty well and then I had my two week check up on the incision. I found out I had a urinary tract infection, which put me on antibiotics. The antibiotics have made Heidi a very sad girl since they make her tummy hurt. That is definitely the stinky part about nursing. I finish them on Sat. and can't wait to be done. Hopefully I will have a happier baby soon!
Beth! Your little sweetheart is so cute! I'm glad to hear things look good with her PKU, I'm sure that was super scary for a while. Congrats again!
She is so cute! I am glad that things have worked out!
Oh good luck! Those first so many weeks are just tough. They get better and better. We C-sectioners have a whole different experience than those lucky women with regular deliveries. I am so sorry to hear about your infection but SO glad to hear that your daughter's PKU test was good! Have you heard of kiddopodomous wraps(I am sure I spelled that wrong)? They are what made my little guys sleep. Good luck with everything!
oh yeah. a post...not enough pictures though! Sounds like you have been through a lot. I wish I could make your recovery as easy as mine were! Glad to her she is doing so well and you too. Again...let me know when you are here, I have to met her!
i am horrible...a teacher and look at my spelling...all first grade words too, i am such an idiot.
I don't think her hair will fall out. My kids hair didn't fall out. Sorry about the UTI though.
Wow - she really is looking so much like Jeff!
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