Jeff had a weird work schedule today and was home for a little in the morning. It was nice to have daddy around so mom could get a few things done.
Heidi had a rough patch starting around 3 weeks, but I feel like she might be coming out of it...knock on wood. The hardest thing right now is just that she will not nap anywhere except in someone's arms. As much as I LOVE cuddling with my little one, I need a little time to do the basics and keep the house clean. Having Jeff home this morning was nice because since it has been 6 weeks, I wanted to start running again. If I had someone to hold her for even just 2 hours a day, it would be great. I know it will get better though. I will probably just have to run when Jeff gets home until she is more content on her own. I have tried to get her to sleep in her crib and not let her sleep in my arms, but she wakes up within ten minutes and won't settle back down. Not just the crib. I should mention, she won't sleep in the bouncy seat, swing, bassinet, stroller, you know name it! Any tips???? My biggest fear is that she will start not wanting to sleep in her crib even at night. Is that a valid fear?
Being a mom is better than I expected in most ways, but what I never anticipated was the worry. I worry about everything. Is she eating enough? Is she sleeping enough? Is she sleeping too much? Should I be training her better? etc. The nursing is getting better and I am glad I haven't given up. The hardest part is I still have migraines a lot and I can take even less medication nursing than while pregnant. Some nights I am up throwing up in pain all night and trying to feed a hungry baby. It is so hard! If they don't get better in the next month I might have to stop nursing or maybe just pump and dump on the days I need medicine.