Not quite what I asked for, but I am getting used to it. Luckily my students didn't say anything too harsh!! I think this is the shortest I have had it in a really long time. Hey, at least it takes less time to get ready!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Haircut, what??
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Happy Birthday J-Diddy!
Friday was Jefferson's 27th birthday!! Happy birthday Jeff!! I like it better when his birthday is on the weekend because I feel like I have more time to spoil him, but hopefully he still had a good day. I am so lucky I married such a sweet, caring, funny man. He is so patient with me. I really don't deserve someone so wonderful. Jeff, if you ever read this, which I don't think you do, I promise I will get your cheesecake made someday....hopefully this week (see what a horrible wife I am???!)
I feel like I never post because there isn't much new going on, but also I am just so incredibly busy! I have something almost every night after school and the weekends are always swamped with house stuff. Today I was released from activity days (which I am really sad about because it was a great calling and the girls were wonderful) and now I am the young women secretary. I am really nervous about it because I have never done the young women thing. I'm not always sure how to relate with teenagers and Jeff has already starting making fun of me because of girls camp and the youth trek--we all know what a great camper I am. Now I am kind of having regrets for signing up for another math class because I know I will have a lot more on my plate and I will not be home very often. Here is part of my excuse for not posting. A look into the coming week:
Monday: Wake up at 5:45, run 5 miles.
Go to work from 7:45-4:00
4:00: Hurry and leave school to get to the church to set up for my last activity days (I am teaching the girls how to sew warming bags--aren't you proud of me Jonna???)
5:45: Get home and make dinner
6:45: Clean up dinner and start laundry
7:30-9:00: Read for my math class and fold laundry
9:30: Go to bed
Tuesday:Wake up at 5:45, run 5 miles.
Go to work from 7:45-4:00
4:00: Make sub plans for a meeting Thursday
5:45: Get home and make dinner
6:45: Go to a district board meeting
9:00: Read for my math class
9:30: Go to bed
Wednesday: Same thing except an early morning faculty meeting and young womens that night. It's a program so I need to be there at 5:30 and I assume it will end at 8:30-9:00.
Thursday: Same thing except an early morning intervention meeting. Visiting teaching 6-8:30.
Friday: Same thing except that after school I actually get to come home except I will have to start preparing for the young women lesson I will be teaching Sunday.
All I have to say is: It's a good thing there is no school Monday! I could use a break!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Time to Post
I know, I know, I have been a total slacker. The truth is, I really don't have much to post about. January has been more of the same old, daily grind. I have been yearning for a vacation and I miss my family like crazy! Jeff and I decided to take a vacation this summer when school is finally out and visit my brother in Kentucky. I can't wait. I have a new little nephew that I am dying to hold.
Since I don't have much to post about, I will post a few funny conversations that happened this month.
Ice Storm in Kentucky
My brother, sister in law, and three nephews are in a national state of disaster in Kentucky. They had a power line land on their driveway and were told it would be 4-6 weeks before they have power again. FEMA is currently there trying to get the area cleaned up, but my brother said it looks like a torado hit their street. Thankfully they are all well. My nephew Tommy (5) and my other nephew Jack (3) were overheard having this conversation:
Jack: Tommy we don't have electricty.
Tommy: I know.
Jack: Maybe we can borrow a flashlight from Jeff and Beth.
He was 1 1/2 when they moved from Utah and only talks to us on the phone, so where he got that is beyond me, but at least he thought of us saving them in their time of need! So cute. I miss those boys!
Does Exercise Make you Gain weight?
This conversation is between a little girl in my class and myself.
Shaylee: Does exercise make you gain weight?
Me: No, it helps you lose weight.
Shaylee: It does? Because I think I heard my mom and dad saying it makes you gain weight.
Me: Well, when you eat you are putting calories in your body. When you exercise you burn the calories off so you lose weight. Why?
Shaylee: Because I want to be 80 pounds.
Me: Why?
Shaylee: Because my mom is going to make me sit in a carseat.
Me: Laughing hysterically--real sensitive I know
When they passed that law in Utah I thought it was so stupid because I'm sorry, but I cannot picture 8 year olds that are almost as big as me in carseats. But, boy is it good that we didn't pass that law that parents can't smoke in their car with children present. Let's strap them in real tight and then light up so they can't away from the toxic fumes. There's our politicians...really thinking for the good of everyone, right?
Inaugeration Day
This conversation happened after the inaugeration when I talked to my sister on the phone.
Me: Did you have a good day at school today?
Melissa: I had to watch Obama.
Me: You did? Did you like it?
Melissa: I plugged my ears and I closed my eyes.
Me: Why?
Melissa: Because I didn't want to watch it. My mom doesn't like that man.
Since I don't have much to post about, I will post a few funny conversations that happened this month.
Ice Storm in Kentucky
My brother, sister in law, and three nephews are in a national state of disaster in Kentucky. They had a power line land on their driveway and were told it would be 4-6 weeks before they have power again. FEMA is currently there trying to get the area cleaned up, but my brother said it looks like a torado hit their street. Thankfully they are all well. My nephew Tommy (5) and my other nephew Jack (3) were overheard having this conversation:
Jack: Tommy we don't have electricty.
Tommy: I know.
Jack: Maybe we can borrow a flashlight from Jeff and Beth.
He was 1 1/2 when they moved from Utah and only talks to us on the phone, so where he got that is beyond me, but at least he thought of us saving them in their time of need! So cute. I miss those boys!
Does Exercise Make you Gain weight?
This conversation is between a little girl in my class and myself.
Shaylee: Does exercise make you gain weight?
Me: No, it helps you lose weight.
Shaylee: It does? Because I think I heard my mom and dad saying it makes you gain weight.
Me: Well, when you eat you are putting calories in your body. When you exercise you burn the calories off so you lose weight. Why?
Shaylee: Because I want to be 80 pounds.
Me: Why?
Shaylee: Because my mom is going to make me sit in a carseat.
Me: Laughing hysterically--real sensitive I know
When they passed that law in Utah I thought it was so stupid because I'm sorry, but I cannot picture 8 year olds that are almost as big as me in carseats. But, boy is it good that we didn't pass that law that parents can't smoke in their car with children present. Let's strap them in real tight and then light up so they can't away from the toxic fumes. There's our politicians...really thinking for the good of everyone, right?
Inaugeration Day
This conversation happened after the inaugeration when I talked to my sister on the phone.
Me: Did you have a good day at school today?
Melissa: I had to watch Obama.
Me: You did? Did you like it?
Melissa: I plugged my ears and I closed my eyes.
Me: Why?
Melissa: Because I didn't want to watch it. My mom doesn't like that man.
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