Today was a day I will never forget, especially since when I told Jeff what the plan was he couldn't stop laughing. Today the kids came to school like normal. An hour into
our students together in their navy blue Truman Elementary T-Shirts and walked to the middle school. At the middle school we had an eventful day of bounce houses, dancing, parachute, and of course face painting--you might be able to see my Green River Wolf paw print on my cheek. After the exciting time we had there, the district provided a ham and cheese lunch for us. We then marched our classes to line up near our school float. We then marched around the town in a parade until we made it to ACE Hardware. That was where the buses picked us up and drove us half a block back to school. We then had another hour or so left and we were all exhausted. My kids just wanted to lay down. It was a pretty eventful day to say the least. Jeff can't get over that I got to "walk in a parade" through town.
I have to share the funniest part of the whole day though. I have this little spanish boy that doesn't speak much english. He is absolutely hilarious. The whole time he kept saying, "Mrs. Hunzeeker? What we do next?" I would tell him and he would think about whether or not it sounded fun. He seemed pretty worn out and overstimulated. When we went to do the parade he said, "Mrs. Hunzeeker? We can go home now?" I said, "No sweetheart. We are going to walk in a parade first." "What is a parade?" "It's just a little walk." "Oh." Well, halfway around town he looks up at me and says, "Mrs. Hunzeeker? This is not a leetle walk." I seriously almost wet my pants. He is sooooo cute! Anyway, I think I need a nap, but it was a fun day in a small town!
LOL!!! I love it! What a great day you had. That little Spanish boys sounds so cute. I hope you got that nap. Sounds like you deserved it.
Wow! Sounds like a great day to be a teacher:) (if you know what I mean) We had one too many of those days last year in my opinion, but it really is a good break every once and a while. I need your email for my blog:)
wow, fun! i would love that. I always think how fun it is when you see it onthe movies. When the whole town shuts down for the games. Oh is school going? Are you still coming?> I am planning on it? we could go to tarahumara!:)
That sounds like so much fun!! I bet the kids loved it and it is good to have them worn out sometimes. They get into less trouble when all they want is to lay down!
What a fun day. I wish we could do that. Can you imagine? We did have junior engineering on Wed. That's a lot like a 3 ring circus! I even taught a class this year on building bridges.
I wish I could hear the voice impression of your little Spanish speaker in person!!
You make me miss GR so much. I forgot all the fun things I did there growing up. I have been away for 10 years... Good times!
Beth, you are too funny! You are getting small town experience to the fullest. Hey, at least you won't get stuck at school in a storm this winter! I hope things are going better with your school and class.
That is one of the reasons my family loved Preston so much. Small towns are fun. I need your email if you want to get on my blog.
I love little kids; they just say it how it is! Miss you! Call me soon!
Ha ha it was just homecoming weekend here too... we didn't have a parade. I think I am sad about it!
Sorry Beth... as much as I would love to come visit, I don't know when we are making it that far. 16 hours is a bit much for us on a short weekend. We might make it at christmas or spring break. But those seem so far away at the moment. Sadness!
What a fun and different day!! I love the face paint! I went into my sister-in-law's classroom last weekend and I forgot how sweet all the kids are, I would love to go to your school sometime!! Hope to talk to you soon!
Oh Mrs. Hunzeeker, sounds like you're having fun. I love those funny teacher stories. I sure do miss you!
Wow, they do get into Homecoming. How fun though.
Gosh! That sounded like a crazy tiring but way fun day! I love days like that where you can just play...instead of teach....sometimes I wish I was just their aunt and I could do that all day...:)
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